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Decision details

Grazeley Solar Farm Project Update (EX4293)

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


(Paragraph 6 - information relating to proposed action to be taken by the Local Authority)

The Executive considered a report (Agenda Item 13), concerning an update on the business case for the Grazeley Solar Farm project and to seek delegated authority for the Service Director Environment to enter into a power purchase agreement to supply energy through the Crown Commercial Services Heat Networks and Electricity Generation Assets (HELGA) Framework.

RESOLVED that: the recommendations in the exempt report be agreed.

Other options considered:

·         Consideration is being given to using the solar farm for sheep farming during its life. Biodiversity and ecology is also prominent in the scheme design. The project retains the current features that are present on the site, such as the mature trees and hedges. We have allowed a ten metre buffer between these existing features and the fenced solar farm area, hence ensuring there is no damage to the existing flora and fauna in the field boundaries. In addition to this, the proposed scheme design includes additional tree and hedge planting, the creation of ponds and seeding with wildflower seed-mix, and seeding for winter birds. The scheme will also include the installation of bird and bat boxes across the site. All of these measures have been captured in the Biodiversity Net gain score, which is positive.

Report author: Jon Winstanley

Publication date: 16/12/2022

Date of decision: 15/12/2022

Decided at meeting: 15/12/2022 - Executive

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