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Issue - meetings

Application Number and Parish:

Meeting: 21/02/2018 - Western Area Planning Committee (Item 42)

42 Application No. and Parish: 17.02916 Glendale Manor, Cold Ash, RG18 9PB pdf icon PDF 122 KB


Proposed first floor extension to current bungalow and associated alterations. Render entire property. Widen existing access.


Glendale Manor
Collaroy Road
Cold Ash
RG18 9PB


Mr and Mrs S Hammond


The Head of Development and Planning be authorised to GRANT planning permission subject to conditions.


Additional documents:


1.         The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning Application 17.02916 in respect of a proposed first floor extension to the current bungalow and associated alterations. The entire property would be rendered and the existing access widened.

2.         Derek Carnegie introduced the report and update sheet to Members, which took account of all the relevant policy considerations and other material considerations. In conclusion the report set out that the development was acceptable and conditional permission was justified due to the large plot and site characteristics. The proposal would not cause demonstrable harm to neighbouring amenity or the character of the area. The proposal accorded with the NPPF (2012) and Policy CS14 and CS19 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026).

3.         Amendments to the development had been secured on 18th December 2017 which included reducing the height of the south wing of the dwelling by 0.9 metres. The windows on both the north and south elevation would be obscure glazed and obscure glazed privacy screens would be erected at both ends of the balcony to ensure that there was no overlooking on neighbouring amenities. The decking and raised terrace had been removed from the proposal.

4.         Collaroy Road was characterised by detached two-storey dwellings in a variety of styles. Dwellings on the east of Collaroy Road predominantly had low hedges and boundary walls on the front boundary. The bungalow was located on a large plot – this plot had been divided into two as planning permission had been granted in 2017 for a new dwelling to the south of Glendale Manor (16/03610/FULD).

5.         The Planning Officer stated that this was a complex design but the application site was in a mixed use area and the dwelling would sit back 2.6m from the road. The land sloped downwards and therefore would not intrude on the street scene. Concerns raised around overdevelopment were unfounded as this was a large plot and two storey developments were common in Collaroy Road. It was considered that the TPO trees on the site would not be affected by the development. The SuDS Officer was confident that the provision would be sufficient.

6.         The Planning Officer felt that all concerns raised in the letters of objection had been resolved. The Committee might want to consider amending Condition 4 in respect of the window on the northern side so that it was fixed closed.

7.         In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Councillor Gillian Hall, Parish Council representative, Mr. Philip Greatrix, objector, and Mr. Stephen Hammond, applicant, addressed the Committee on this application.

8.         Councillor Gillian Hall in addressing the Committee raised the following points:

·      Changing a bungalow into a house would not be successful;

·      The roof was a jumble of elevations – it should complement the neighbouring properties but it did not and was an ugly mixture;

·      The large window to the front of the house would be close to the road and there would therefore be a loss of privacy;

·      The balcony would mean  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42