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Issue - meetings

Children and Family Services Targeted Intervention Service (EX3556)

Meeting: 03/05/2018 - Executive (Item 103)

Children and Family Services Targeted Intervention Service

(Paragraph 1 – information relating to an individual)

(Paragraph 2 – information identifying an individual)

Purpose:  To seek permission from the Executive to make redundancy payments associated with a restructure in the Targeted Intervention Service in Children and Family Services.


Resolved that the recommendations in the exempt report be approved.


This decision is not subject to call in as:


·      the item is deemed as an Urgent Key Decision as set out in Rule 5.4.7 of the Constitution.

·      a delay in implementing the decision would cause the Council serious financial implications or could compromise the Council's position.


therefore it will be implemented immediately.


(Paragraph 1 – information relating to an individual)
(Paragraph 2 – information identifying an individual)

The Executive considered an exempt report (Agenda Item 9) which sought permission from the Executive to make the redundancy payments associated with a restructure in the Targeted Intervention Service in Children and Family Services.

RESOLVED that the recommendations in the exempt report be agreed.

Reason for the decision: As outlined in the exempt report.

Other options considered: As outlined in the exempt report.