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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Roger Croft Room Council Offices Market Street Newbury. View directions

Contact: Charlene Myers / David Lowe 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal, Disclosable Pecuniary or other interests in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct.



There were no declarations of interest received.


Resource Select Committee Work Programme

To receive new items and agree and prioritise the work programme of the Committee for the remainder of 2016/2017



Councillor Lee Dillon referred to earlier discussions regarding a review of income generation projects; he asked whether progress had been made to consider the subject formally through the Committee. David Lowe stated that some discussions had taken place with Officers which identified that Officers were unable to participate at this time due to current work pressures. However, David Lowe would revisit the topic with the Officers in due course.


Councillor Dillon stated that the purpose of the review would be to consider taking a holistic view of the income streams available to the Council with the intention of maximising opportunities.


Councillor Emma Webster supported the suggested topic for scrutiny and stated that it would be advantageous to consider how other Local Authorities had taken steps to maximise their income generation opportunities. Councillor Webster advised that she had started the work to compare Local Authorities and felt that the Committee would be best placed to analysis the data; the information could also provide alternative ideas/methods which officers had not considered. 


The Committee agreed that it would be useful to consider the examples from other Local Authorities at the meeting in January 2017. Members agreed that it would be ideal if their comments fed into the next budget proposals but it was realistic to consider that any proposals would need to be reviewed/ approved before they could be taken forward. Therefore, the group would aim to present their proposals for the 2018/19 budget setting discussions.


Councillor Laszlo Zverko asked whether the Risk Management Group received information regarding efforts undertaken by the Council to address fraud. He was aware of examples where the Council had successfully dealt with fraud cases and it would be useful to know about the types of fraud which could impact the Council.


Andy Walker advised that he would check whether the information was passed to the Risk Management Group and report back to the Committee.


Resolved that:


1.    Andy Walker would confirm whether fraud information was issued to the Risk Management Group.

2.    The Committee would consider the examples where other Local Authorities had introduced projects to maximise income generation.






Items Called-in following the Executive on 8th September 2016

To consider any items called-in by the requisite number of Members following the previous Executive meeting.



There were no items Called-In for consideration.


Consideration of Urgent Items

To consider any items which an Urgent Decision is required to be taken by the Executive, in exception to the requirements of the Local Authorities( Executive arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.



There were no Urgent Items for consideration.


Councillor Call for Action

To consider any items proposed for a Councillor Call for Action.


There were no Councillor Calls for Action to be considered.


Exclusion of Press and Public

RECOMMENDATION: That members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items as it is likely that there would be disclosure of exempt information of the description contained in the paragraphs of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 specified in brackets in the heading of each item. Rule 8.10.4 of the Constitution also refers.



RESOLVED that members of the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the under-mentioned items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as contained in Paragraph 3 Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information)(Variation) Order 2006.



Strategy for Use of Capital Receipts

To review the Council’s strategy for use of capital receipts in the municipal year 2017/18.


Members considered the report detailing the strategy for use of Capital Receipts under PART II.