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Agenda item

Health & Wellbeing Action Plan (Lesley Wyman)

Purpose: To update the Board on progress re the development of the H&WB Strategy Action Plan, share the latest draft of the action plan, clarify the PH budget for 2013/14 and explain the process by which partners can bid for funding to help achieve the HWB priorities.


Lesley Wyman introduced her report to the Board which detailed progress with the Health and Wellbeing Strategy Action Plan, which was still in draft form. The action plan underpinned the Health and Wellbeing Strategy which contained five priority areas. Actions were set out to show that they were either lead by the Public Health team or in partnership with the Local Authority, Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) or third sector organisations.

Lesley Wyman referred to page 45, which was an outline summary of the Public Health budget for 2013/14. Core team staffing costs referred to staff in Bracknell, including a knowledge and information team, working on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) the Director of Public Health for Berkshire and a Health Protection Consultant.

School nursing, sexual health, tobacco control and substance misuse were joint agreement contracts and were agreed at the outset when Public Health transitioned from the NHS. Sexual health services were under review in order to get a better sense of the true cost of these services specific to West Berkshire. This review was progressing well with the Royal Berkshire Hospital.

Work on tackling obesity and increasing physical activity; NHS health checks; work targeting the Gypsy, Roma, Traveller and Black and Minority Ethnic communities and finally crime and disorder had been rolled over from 2012/13.

Any money remaining would be available for providers to bid for who could contribute to achieving Public Health outcomes in the priority areas.

Lesley Wyman referred to page 47 of the agenda, which detailed the process for identifying providers who could contribute to the action plan. It was noted that the timescale was tight, however, it was important that the application process was completed as quickly as possible. Expressions of interest could be submitted by any West Berkshire Council department; Newbury and District CCG, North and West Reading CCG or any voluntary/community group.

From the expressions of interest a list of projects would be drawn up by a panel consisting of the West Berkshire Chief Executive, Strategic Director of Public Health and the Head of Public Health and Wellbeing.

Lesley Wyman reported that she would distribute the action plan more widely to third sector organisations via Empowering West Berkshire. Work had already taken place via the Public Health Integration Board to look at the Action Plan in more detail and to assist with identifying possible projects from West Berkshire Council.

Proposals put forward needed to have measurable outcomes and there was a set of assessment criteria that needed to be considered in order to be successful. Any projects proposed needed to be realistic in terms of meeting objectives within the set timescale (March 2015). If a project included appointing to a post, then there would have to be explanation included on the sustainability of the work post March 2015.

Lesley Wyman stated that projects that promoted joint working would be viewed favourably along with those that addressed health inequality. Projects would also be assessed on the extent to which they aimed to prevent deterioration in health and thereby reduce demand on services.

Leila Ferguson asked how the application documents would be accessed and Lesley Wyman reported that they would be placed on the website and it was vital that they were clearly identifiable.

Jan Evans felt that it was important that analysis work was used by Public Health to give an indication of where the gaps where. This would help prevent an inundation of unsuitable applications.

Councillor Graham Pask praised the Action Plan document although was fearful it might raise expectations due to the size of the document. Councillor Pask expressed how important it was to link to Parish Plans when delivering the Action Plan.

Dr Rupert Woolley questioned whether the CCGs would be involved in considering the bids. Lesley Wyman confirmed that both CCGs would be consulted.

RESOLVED that: Lesley Wyman would organise a meeting with Dr Rupert Woolley and Dr Catherine Kelly.

It was confirmed that the formal decision process would involve both the Local Authority and the CCGs and as a result would have to go through the Health and Wellbeing Board before being approved.

Dr Alex Anderson asked if projects emerging throughout the year would be considered or those in 12 months time. Lesley Wyman confirmed that there would be further opportunities as there would be growth in the budget in 2014. It was important to note that this year they would not be interested in projects that would involve a long period of planning.  New projects would need to start in 2013.

Dr Anderson questioned how the funding would be governed and how this would link to the Health and Wellbeing Board. Lesley Wyman reported that the Health and Wellbeing Integration Board, performance managed the Action Plan. This group then reported into the Health and Wellbeing Board. Dr Lise Llewellyn stated that Lesley Wyman would act as the link to the CCG Board as she attended these meetings.

Councillor Graham Pask asked who was responsible for monitoring the Public Health budget. Dr Llewellyn confirmed that herself and Nick Carter were responsible for the Local Authority Public Health Budget. Updates on the budget had to be reported to the Health and Wellbeing Board and via the Councils budget monitoring process.

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