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Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Board Action Plan - Performance Framework

Purpose: to present the performance framework for health and wellbeing in West Berkshire.


Lesley Wyman introduced her paper, which suggested a Performance Framework that could be used to monitor progress on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, highlighting achievement against a set of high level national outcomes and local Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The report was proposing that the Board agree the national outcomes to be used in the performance monitoring of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Lesley Wyman reported that the national outcomes were largely reported against on an annual basis. Lower level key performance indicators would be required from departments and organisations that contributed to the achievement of the outcomes.

Lesley Wyman drew the Board’s attention to appendix two, which tabled the strategic objectives. A column was given, which detailed who the lead was for each objective, actions and then KPIs.

Lesley Wyman stated that it was easy to end up with too many KPIs. There were currently a lot of actions for each objective however, they had simply been lifted from the Public Health Action Plan where there were links to the objectives and she acknowledged some were not measurable. Lesley Wyman stated that she realised that some of the KPIs were process based rather than outcomes based, so therefore required further work. There were currently no performance indicators for the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) shown under appendix two, or other departments within the Council. The next step was for these areas to input their own performance indicators.

Lesley Wyman stressed that the performance management framework, was in the very early stages and what she had presented to the Board was how she saw it working. It was anticipated that the Public Health Integration Programme Board would lead on ensuring comprehensive performance management was in place for the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Lesley Wyman welcomed ideas and thoughts from the Board on the proposed performance framework.

Councillor Lundie stated that a lot of information had been presented to the Board and therefore the item should be brought back to the subsequent meeting. Rachael Wardell concurred that the information needed to come back to the Board once developed further and felt that outcomes for children were minimal as the framework currently stood. Racheal Wardell highlighted that she saw it as her role to ensure children’s issues were not lost amongst the wider health agenda.

Rachael Wardell highlighted how important it was to check work required for monitoring and reporting, to ensure it was not being carried out elsewhere.

Lise Llewellyn stated that it was the role of the Board to oversee that the Council and CCGs were delivering long term health outcomes. Lise Llewellyn agreed that duplication of work needed to be avoided and therefore it was important to know exactly who would be monitoring the work on the Board’s behalf. There were lots of actions but work was needed around what could be measured. Performance needed to be measurable and explanatory to the general public.

Councillor Marcus Franks acknowledged that further work was required to ensure there was not a long list of KPIs as this would become unmanageable. Dr Bal Bahia felt the work highlighted the need for integration and also the need for the Health and Wellbeing Board to be clear about what it wanted to achieve. It was also important that those presenting to the Board were also clear about its role and aims.

Lise Llewellyn explained that the performance management work could be brought back to the meeting in January however, suggested it be pushed back until March when it could be revisited in its entirety with next years work plan. Rachael Wardell stated that this would ensure the Board entered the next financial year with a clear performance framework. Leila Ferguson asked for assurance that the voluntary sector would be involved and felt that revisiting the framework in March would provide ample time to ensure they were.

RESOLVED that the performance management framework would be brought to the Board meeting in March 2014.

Councillor Lundie questioned what the next steps were to get to the point they needed to be at by the meeting in March 2014. Lesley Wyman reported that the Integration Board would be meeting in December 2013 and would begin working up the performance framework in light of discussions by the Board.

RESOLVED that a brief update should be given at the Board meeting January, where Board Members would be welcomed to feedback further comments regarding the performance framework.