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Agenda item

Performance Framework for 2013/14 (Councillor Marcus Franks)

Purpose: To agree the 13/14 performance framework and take note of how Health and Wellbeing partners worked to address the five Health and Wellbeing priorities.


Marcus Franks introduced the report to Members on behalf of Lesley Wyman, which was recommending a finalised Health and Wellbeing Performance Framework for 2013/14 for approval.

Councillor Franks reported that the performance framework for 2014/15 would look very similar however, would include the Better Care Fund (BCF).

Section two of the report detailed the five priorities in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Councillor Franks referred to page 17 of the agenda pack, which was the Performance Framework for the Health and Wellbeing Board for 2013/14. There were overarching indicators and then below this local indicators for each priority area. Councillor Franks stressed that Lesley Wyman had experienced difficulties obtaining information from both internal and external colleagues, particularly around agreeing what information needed to be included within the framework.

Councillor Franks went on to talk through each priority area, highlighting some of the local indicators for each.

Reducing Childhood Obesity in Primary School Children

Regarding the number of additional physical activity initiatives commissioned in school and community settings for children - more work was needed in order to map which schools would be involved next.

Supporting those over 40 to change lifestyle behaviours detrimental to health and wellbeing

Councillor Franks reported that the health checks and been a great success. The number of people offered this service had been in line with the benchmark however, there was ambition to do more.

Promoting independence and supporting older people to manage their long term conditions

Councillor Franks remarked that this section was particularly empty due to lack of cooperation in providing information. Figures and local indicators were the responsibility of General Practitioners and Adult Social Care. Councillor Franks questioned if members felt the indicators were the right ones and if not the strategy needed refreshing as soon as possible. If they were the correct indicators, consideration needed to be given to how the indicators were going to be met.

Giving every child and young person the best start in life

More local indicators were required in this section.

Supporting and Vibrant District

This was considered the most difficult priority to measure.

Decreasing statutory homelessness, homelessness acceptances and households in temporary accommodation was currently an indicator however, the Housing Team had suggested that this should not be included due to the low numbers in West Berkshire. Local indicators around fuel poverty were still required.

Rachael Wardell wanted to make it clear that any individual presenting as homeless was always a priority for the Housing Team, but agreed that including it in the performance framework for the Board might be over prioritising an area given that actual numbers were low.

Rachael Wardell suggested that the Board could learn lessons from the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) and how it managed performance management across a group of diverse partner organisations. Membership organisations of the LSCB gave a lot of attention to their performance information and were held accountable for this information if the LSCB had particular concerns.

Councillor Franks stated that at the next development session discussions were required on indicators for health quality, integration and then also wider indicators. Oversight needed to be kept of high level indicators belonging to the Acute Trusts, as these affected the work of the Board.

The Board needed to take a view of the performance framework and be satisfied it reflected what work was taking place.

Councillor Pask acknowledged that there was a huge amount of work taking place beneath the performance management framework for example the Feel Good Fortnight. The framework needed to support work taking place on the ground.

Councillor Graham Pask queried access to General Practitioners (GPs) and if consultation with GPs reflected wellbeing. Philip McNamara reported that close working took place with the Public Health Team, in particular Lesley Wyman who formed part of the Executive Board.

Philip McNamara reported that health checks had been extremely positive. There was always more that could be done around GPs and a lot of work was taking place to develop primary care. It was felt that GPs in the Newbury and District area were easy to access.

Dr Barbara Barrie reported that access to GPs was an ongoing issue. It largely came down to capacity. If availability was increased, demand also increased. Effective triage was extremely important. A programme of work was taking place across practices that focused of processes. The aim of this work was to help primary care services be as productive as possible.

Adrian Barker Barker suggested that a Task and Finish Group be set up to focus on the Performance Framework for 2014/15 using the LSCB as a learning aid.

Rachael Wardell acknowledged that Lesley Wyman had struggled alone to pull the performance framework together. It was important that the framework was widely inclusive of issues together with those belonging to Public Health.

Councillor Franks recalled in the past the Board had discussed the mapping of services against other factors such as deprivation. Assets and access were important factors moving forward.

RESOLVED that a Task and Finish Group be formed to take the Performance Framework forward for 2014/15.

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