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Agenda item

West Berkshire Forward Plan 18 June 2014 to 30 September 2014

Purpose: To advise the Commission of items to be considered by West Berkshire Council from 18 June 2014 to 30 September 2014 and decide whether to review any of the proposed items prior to the meeting indicated in the Plan.


The Commission considered the West Berkshire Forward Plan (Agenda Item 5) for the period covering 18 June 2014 to 30 September 2014.

David Lowe advised that a matter had arisen that necessitated the consideration by the Executive of an urgent decision. The matter related to recruitment and retention of staff in Children’s Services.

David Lowe quoted the following from the Constitution: the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 in September 2012 included a requirement to publish 28 clear days’ notice of any intended key decision. On occasions, however, situations arise where an urgent decision needs to be made in respect of an item that does not appear on the Forward Plan.


The Commission heard that as notice of the need to include the urgent item was received within the 28 working day period but before five clear working days before the meeting, the authority needed to give notice to all Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission about the decision and the reasons why it was deemed to be urgent.


The report would set out a strategy to address recruitment and retention issues in Children’s Services and the investment required to implement the strategy. The item was considered urgent as delays in implementing the strategy could compromise the Council’s position.


Councillor Jeff Brooks questioned whether the item related to Agenda item 7. Rachael Wardell advised that the matters were unrelated, the urgent item for consideration related to the proposal to introduce a three tier foster care system and specifically the communications and marketing of the model. By contrast the proposal for urgent consideration was developed in response to the increased level of agency staff employed and turnover in key front line teams and the risk this posed to children and young adults. The proposal sought to respond specifically to the issue of staff recruitment and retention and was felt that the matter required urgent attention.


The Commission heard that a special Management Board meeting was scheduled for 17 July 2014 in order to consider the item and accelerate it through the Executive cycle in order that it could be considered at the Executive meeting of 24 July.


Councillor Brook asked whether the item would be subject to Call-In. Nick Carter advised that it would not.(Note added post meeting)


The call-in procedure shall not apply where the decision taken by the Executive has to be implemented before the expiry of the call-in period. This will only be the case if one of the following applies:

·         The item is deemed an Urgent Key Decision as set out in Rule 5.4.7 (Special Urgency – Key Decision).


David Lowe explained that the Commission could have sight of the report prior to discussion at the Executive and subsequently provide their recommendations. As such, a special OSMC meeting would be required before 24 July 2014.


Councillor Brooks stressed that the time available for the Commission to meet and consider the report ahead of the Executive meeting was impracticable.


Councillor Zverko Lazlo joined the meeting at 18:15


Rachael Wardell offered to explain the proposal in more detail and provide reassurance that the urgent item had arisen as a necessity, in order to address the risks associated with the staff arrangements in the Children and Young People service.


The Commission heard that the report focused on staff issues within four key front line teams, Referral and Assessment, East and West Long Term Team and the Disabled Children’s Team. Those teams were currently becoming increasingly reliant on high levels of agency staff which was most detrimental to procedures, practice and damaging to children and families.


Rachael Wardell explained that the teams had previously used agency staff who tended to stay with the team for a longer period of time, however, more recently there had been a noticeable increase in the turnover of agency staff and subsequently more changes to family social workers. Rachael Wardell stressed that the Council had sought to introduce measures to encourage the retention of key staff before now but the issue had since developed to the point where immediate action was required.


The report would propose measures to retain staff, subject to their performance, over a period of three years by the inclusion of financial incentives and training.


Councillor Brooks queried whether the urgent item addressed a statutory pressure. He stated that the issue appeared to relate to an operational issue which had not been highlighted to the Commission before. Councillor Brooks explained that he was uncomfortable with the suggestion that the Executive would consider the proposal for a three year commitment with restricted intervention by the Commission. It was stated that the Commission had limited information, therefore it was agreed that a special meeting would be organised in order to discuss the report ahead of the Executive and, if necessary, make comment and recommendation for consideration alongside the report.


Councillor Emma Webster stated that although the issue triggered a level of uncertainty amongst the Commission, she considered that Officer’s would have done everything possible to address the issue before requesting an urgent intervention which ultimately sought to protect vulnerable residents of West Berkshire.


Resolved that

·         The Children Services: Recruitment and Retention report would be available to review from 17th July 2014 and a special meeting would be organised for 21st July 2014 to discuss ahead of the Executive on 24 July 2014.

·         The Forward Plan be noted.

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