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Agenda item

School Funding Arrangements for 2015/16




Claire White presented a report on the school funding arrangements 2015/16, including the timetable for the 2015/16 school formula submission.


The latest information is that the DfE arrangements 2015/16 document will not be received until the end of the Summer Term. Therefore the initial recommendations which will be central to the Heads Funding Group and Schools’ Forum agendas at the meetings in early July may have to be made based on principal.


There has also been a consultation on how an additional £350m should be allocated to the lowest funded local authorities. In the exemplification contained in the consultation which is based on 2012 data West Berkshire could receive £300k. Although the actual amount West Berkshire will receive is unknown the Schools’ Forum can make recommendations on how to allocate any funding that is received.


Other considerations for changes to the 2015/16 formula include the use of the sparsity factor and use of an exceptional premises factor for rents and joint use of leisure facilities, although this would require Secretary of State’s approval.


It is recommended that there are no changes made to the local formula other than allocating the additional funding and adjusting any factors where there is a view that the funding is not reaching the schools it is intended for in a fair and equitable way.



ACTION: Schools’ Forum members provide Claire with their opinions on the allocation of the additional DSG funding and adjustments to local formula factors before 20 June in order to be included in any modelling for HFG consideration.



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