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Agenda item

Funding for Primary Schools in Financial Difficulty




Claire White presented the report on the Primary Schools in Financial Difficulty Fund.


No bids were received in 2013/14 and it was agreed under item 7 to carry the funding forward to 2014/15.


One bid has been received so far this financial year from The Ilsleys Primary School which was presented to the Heads Funding Group (HFG) by the Headteacher and the Finance Officer.

The bid is for £38,667 and follows the restructure of the administration roles in order to balance the budget going forward.

The HFG are supporting the bid which would mean that the school is financially viable going forward, and that to not support the bid would leave the school in deficit for a number of years unless short term staffing cuts were made.


DECISION: The maintained primary phase members of the Schools’ Forum approved the bid.



ACTION: Payment to be made to The Ilsleys Primary School.



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