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Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Strategy/Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (Lesley Wyman/Phil McNamara/Tandra Forster)

Purpose: To present the alignment of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the JSNA to the Health and Wellbeing Board.


Lesley Wyman introduced her report, which aimed to inform the Board on the timetable for updating the West Berkshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy (H&WBS). The H&WBS had been developed to provide local partners including West Berkshire Council, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), Healthwatch and the Voluntary Sector with a jointly-agreed locally determined set of priorities on which to base their commissioning plans within the reformed health and care system going forward.

There were five overarching priorities within the H&WBS including:

·         Supporting a vibrant district;

·         Giving every child and young person the best start in life;

·         Supporting those over 40 years old to address lifestyle choices detrimental to health;

·         Reduce childhood obesity in primary school children;

·         Promoting independence and supporting older people to manage their long term conditions.

Underneath these priorities sat a whole host of objectives, which made monitoring particularly difficult. Lesley Wyman reported that they were looking to update and refine the objectives and this approach needed buy in from everyone. The H&WBS would then drive individual organisation plans. The aim was to focus largely on areas where joint working was taking place.

 There was a changing landscape as part of the Better Care Fund/Integration agenda and this needed to be set out within the H&WBS.

The current Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) was very different to how it was in previous years. It was a live online document, which was updated as new data became available.

Lesley Wyman drew attention to Appendix 1, which was an up to date health profile for West Berkshire. It showed that there were no major changes in West Berkshire’s health statistics and that it was achieving similar to that nationally. The only indicator that had worsened since 2013 was ‘killed and seriously injured on the roads’. The Board needed to consider if this was an area they would wish to focus on.

Lesley Wyman had studied the JSNA closely over the previous week to cross check it with the H&WBS. Comparisons had also been made to other authorities within the same deprivation deciles including Wokingham, Windsor and Bracknell.

Lesley Wyman stated that the H&WBS also needed to focus on vulnerable groups the wider determinants of health and tackling inequalities.

An item on the performance framework that would underpin the H&WBS would be brought to the next Board meeting in September.

RESOLVED that Lesley Wyman would report on the performance framework for the Board at its next meeting in September.

Lesley Wyman moved on to talk about the timetable for updating the H&WBS. A draft version would be brought to the September Board meeting and this would be followed by a consultation period from October through to November. The final version of the H&WBS would be brought the Board for sign off at its meeting in January.

Councillor Graham Pask was keen that focus remained on wellbeing and that preventative work was focused on. He hoped that the wellbeing aspect could be explored further at the next meeting of the Board in September.

Councillor Roger Hunneman noted that under Appendix A a number of the headings were blacked out.

RESOLVED that Lesley Wyman would look into this and report back.

RESOLVED that the Board were happy with the timetable for refreshing the H&WBS.

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