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Agenda item

Funding Bid - Primary Schools in Financial Difficulty




A bid from Bradfield Primary School for Primary Schools in Financial Difficulty Funding was presented to the Heads Funding Group on 1st July. 


The bid meets the required criteria and is for £74k to meet one off redundancy costs, compensation payments and the cost of the Executive Head for the Summer term (this cost was met from the school’s balances in 2013/14).


The school was placed in special measures in 2013 and earmarked for academy conversion, although this has not progressed due to problems in securing a sponsor. The uncertainty and being placed in special measures resulted in a decline in pupil numbers which has adversely affected the 2014/15 funding whilst at the same time the school required short term additional leadership and staff restructuring in order to bring the school out of special measures.


The small deficit in 2013/14 will increase significantly in 2014/15 and beyond without the funding.


DECISION: The Schools Forum agreed bid from Bradfield Primary School.


ACTION: Payment to be made to Bradfield Primary School.

























C Loosen


Supporting documents: