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Agenda item

High Needs Funding Arrangements for Special Schools 2015/16




Ian Pearson presented the report on the high needs funding arrangements for special schools.


Currently special schools have 5 ASD funding bands and it is proposed to add a further three new bands:


ASD1a   1:6 teacher and 1:6 teaching assistant (TA) plus 25% additional TA time (pay scale C). 


ASD6     1:6 teacher and 1:6 teaching assistant (TA) plus 200% additional TA time (pay scale D). 


ASD7     1:3 teacher plus 200% additional TA (pay scale D).


ASD1a provides a mid-point between ASD1 and ASD2 for pupils who require more support than ASD1 but not as much as ASD2.

ASD6 and ASD7 incorporate the 2:1 TA support which is currently dealt with as an addition to the current funding bands. These bands will only be used in exceptional circumstances, usually short term, and is cheaper than placing pupils out of county.


DECISION: The Schools Forum agreed to the implementation of additional funding bands from April 2015.



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