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Agenda item

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (Lise Llewellyn)

Purpose: To present the PNA to the Board prior to final sign off.


Dr Lise Llewellyn introduced her report to the Board which presented the draft Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA) for West Berkshire. Once the document had been agreed by the Health and Wellbeing Board the PNA would go out for public consultation.

The Health and Wellbeing Board were required to support the NHS Area Team in delivering the PNA. A new pharmacy could only be opened if a need was demonstrated. The West Berkshire PNA was one of six for the whole of Berkshire. Surveys had taken place with pharmacies, dispensing surgeries and users.

In West Berkshire there was generally a high level of satisfaction with pharmaceutical services. The PNA was not recommending that West Berkshire needed a further pharmacy.

Pharmacies played a key role in delivering wider primary care services and signposting to services. In 2013 they had carried out work around drink awareness. Further focus was required to explore how pharmacies could be used as a sign posting service for older people, for example to winter warming services and flu vaccinations. Their role in giving professional advice needed to be built upon.

Dr Llewellyn explained that the next step was to take the PNA out to public consultation, which would take place over three months. Dr Llewellyn reported that she would also be bringing PNAs from other authorities to the Health and Wellbeing Board for their comments. She was happy to summarise the PNAs rather than bring them to the Board in their entirety.

Councillor Irene Neill referred to page 119 of the report and stated that just over the border, there was a pharmacy in Tadley. Dr Llewellyn stated that she would ensure this was noted.

Fiona Slevin-Brown queried how the CCGs should best link in with the PNA. Lise Llewellyn reported that CCGs were a statutory consultee.

Councillor Marcus Franks queried to what extent the Health and Wellbeing Board had leverage to request existing services extend their services. Dr Llewellyn stated that the services currently sat with the area team. Offering advanced services was a voluntary choice and therefore pharmacies could not be forced to extend their services.

Tandra Forster queried how many pharmacies carried out home delivery services. Dr Llewellyn reported that this was a voluntary service however, there was a high percentage of pharmacies offering this service.

Nikki Luffington explained that although the Area Team held the core contract and were responsible for monitoring services, pharmacies could work with others on a voluntary basis for example the Local Authority or CCG.

Adrian Barker asked if the Council or CCG were currently commissioning pharmacies to deliver services. Dr Llewellyn reported that they were and examples included supervised consumption of methadone, needle exchange service and Chlamydia screening.

Councillor Franks proposed that the Health and Wellbeing Board agree that the West Berkshire PNA go out for public consultation.

RESOLVED that the West Berkshire PNA would go out for public consultation.

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