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Agenda item

Finalisation and Agreement of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy (Lesley Wyman)

Purpose: To finalise and agree the Health and Wellbeing Strategy post the consultation period.


Lesley Wyman introduced the item to the Board which sought finalisation and agreement of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy post the consultation period.

The consultation on the Strategy had been carried out by Healthwatch and positively there had been a large number of comments received from people across a wide age range.

Although a high number of comments had been received, there had been minimal issues raised about the priorities and most had agreed that the priorities were the right ones to be focusing on. Most comments related to how the Strategy would be delivered and therefore the next step was to coordinate a delivery plan for the Strategy. Lesley Wyman suggested that task and finish groups could be set up to help pull this together. A list of stakeholders who could be involved was listed under paragraph 1.1 of Lesley Wyman’s report.

Adrian Barker referred to page five of the Strategy and queried if the overarching aims could be revised. Lesley Wyman reported that these had been taken from the Public Health Outcomes Framework and could be revised. Adrian Barker felt that the first overarching aim should be amended to ‘whilst maintaining a high quality of life throughout life’. Adrian Barker also felt that the third bullet under the overarching aim should be amended so that read ‘and healthy life expectancy’.

Adrian Barker acknowledged that the next step was to pull the task and finish groups together and the report suggested a group could be formed to focus on each priority. He felt that the multi-agency working group should be formed to develop a strategic action plan for the strategy as a whole, as well as for each individual priority. Councillor Franks suggested that this role could be taken on by the Health and Wellbeing Management Group. Adrian Barker was concerned this group would not have time. Councillor Franks felt that this was something the Management Group needed to explore. 

Adrian Barker stressed that engagement needed to be ongoing throughout the process. This could be fed into the event planned for the Board in September, where stakeholder input could be sought.  Adrian Barker stated that he was happy to volunteer to sit on any of the groups.

Dr Barbara Barrie expressed her disappointment that End of Life Care was still not featured as a stand alone priority within the Strategy. Dr Lise Llewellyn confirmed that priorities had been chosen using information from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).

Dr Llewellyn had noted from the consultation responses that the two priorities that were less acceptable were drinking alcohol and being overweight, which fundamentally could show social acceptance of these two issues.

Dr Barrie referred to the outcome of a Local Pathway Outcome Review, which proposed 34 recommendations around the care of those at the end of their lives. She was concerned that if end of life services were not a priority then this area would be neglected by the Board.

Councillor Franks was not in agreement that end of life care should be a stand alone priority however, felt that it should be picked up through the delivery plan for the Strategy.

RESOLVED that end of life care to be included within the delivery plan for the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

RESOLVED that Task and Finish Groups involving the relevant people would be set up to coordinate actions plans, which would underpin each of the priorities within the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. A progress report would be given at the next Board meeting in March.

RESOLVED that the Health and Wellbeing Board agreed the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which would be formally ratified at the Council meeting on 3 March 2015.


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