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Agenda item

Themes for Health and Wellbeing Board meetings (Lesley Wyman)

Purpose: To propose three priorities from the Health and Wellbeing Strategy that the Board will focus on over the next twelve months.


Lesley Wyman introduced her report to the Health and Wellbeing Board, which proposed three priority areas that would be brought to the Board for update, discussion and development. It was suggested within the report that each priority areas be called a Hot Focus..

Lesley Wyman reported that the Management Group for the Board had discussed and agreed with the three proposed hot focuses, as follows:

  1. We will improve the health and educational outcomes of looked after children through high quality health and social care support.
  2. We will promote mental health and wellbeing in adults through prevention, early identification and provision of appropriate services.
  3. We will maximise independence in older people by preventing falls, reducing preventable hospital admissions due to falls and improving rehabilitation services.

The three hot focuses had been lifted from the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which was currently being consulted on and therefore a degree of flexibility would be required depending on the outcome of the consultation.

The plan was to have a three month period focused on each Hot Focus, which would give an opportunity to explore successes and areas where joint working could take place. For each Hot Focus a task and finish group would be set up, which would feedback to the Board at the end of the three month period.

It was acknowledged that issues could change over the period of a year due to different areas of work taking place across the district and therefore the Hot Focuses would need to remain flexible.

Councillor Marcus Franks felt that thought needed to be given to the format of each meeting and that each theme would require an adequate slot on the agenda to ensure it was given the level of attention necessary.

Rachael Wardell supported the chosen three hot focuses. These were also the areas identified through the West of Berkshire Pioneer Bid. Regarding the format, Rachael Wardell reported that she had recently attended a very useful half day session on domestic abuse, aimed at creating a better collated response to the issue. It was suggested a similar format could be applied to each of the Hot Focus sessions.

Adrian Barker was satisfied with the hot focuses however felt that the one around Looked After Children was a little narrow and could be broadened out to include other vulnerable groups of children. He also felt that the hot focus on falls prevention could also be broadened out.

Dr Lise Llewellyn commented that the area of Looked After Children drew together a whole host of services. She disagreed that the topics should be broadened out and was of the view that it was important to stay focused. With this approach there was more likeliness that there would be a positive impact that could then be rolled out in the future. Dr Llewellyn noted that the Looked After Children and Falls Prevention work linked to the Care Group work referred to by Tandra Forster.

Cathy Winfield stressed that it was important to look at what work was already underway when assessing what work was required. They also needed to remain realistic about capacity.

Rachael Wardell stated that she was not resistant to broadening out the Hot Focus on Looked after because work within her directorate covered a wider area. However she felt that keeping it focused would help to get the work started. She reassured all that work with other vulnerable groups would continue despite the Board choosing to focus on a specific area.

Lesley Wyman noted that a half day session for each hot focus had been suggested. She concurred with Cathy Winfield that they needed to be smart when assessing areas where work was required.

RESOLVED that three half day sessions would be set up in addition to the six Health and Wellbeing Board meetings.

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