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Agenda item

An update report on the Better Care Fund and wider integration programme (Tandra Forster)

Purpose: To keep the Board up to date on progression with the BCF and wider integration programme.


Tandra Forster introduced her report which aimed to update the Health and Wellbeing Board on progress within the Better Care Fund (BCF) Schemes and sought approval on the first quarterly data return.

Tandra drew the Boards attention to paragraph two of the report, which detailed the BCF quarterly data collection. The Department of Health (DH) had introduced a quarterly template to enable Health and Wellbeing Boards to track performance on delivery of the BCF programme of work. The first of these reports was included under Appendix C however, was retrospective in this instance due to timings and had already been submitted to the DH. Tandra Forster highlighted that this return contained no new information as it included performance that had been reported over the past year. 

Going forward the data return would require approval from the Board and this would be completed prior to submission to the DH.

Fiona Slevin-Brown moved onto paragraph three of the report, which detailed the Non Elective (NEL) Targets for the BCF. As part of planning process, the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) had needed to revisit the NEL Targets and in April 2015 they had revised their assumptions. Rather than to decrease by one percent the target was now to increase by two percent. Baseline figures had needed to be reset, taking into account projects for the coming year. Fiona Slevin-Brown highlighted that the information contained within the report was for information. No feedback had been received from NHS England.

Adrian Barker queried as a result of the changing target if money would be received through the system rather than the BCF. Fiona Slevin-Brown clarified that money would still come from the BCF on out of hospital services however, agreement on how this money would be spent would be required from the Health and Wellbeing Board. Tandra Forster stated that the point at which the funding would be released had changed.

Tandra Forster moved focus to the highlight reports for the BCF projects. The Joint Care Provider Project had commenced on the 1st June 2015 and had received positive feedback. The Personal Recovery Guide Project had been set up and was ready to begin however, aspects around funding needed finalising. The Integrated Social Care Hub would be reviewed at a later stage due to changes taking place across Adult Social Care. The soft launch for the Hospital at Home Project would take place on 15th June 2015. The Board would be kept informed on its progress and the project would go completely live in September 2015.

In response to a question from Dr Lise Llewellyn on the Integrated Social Care Hub, Tandra Forster confirmed that it was about having shared information on people. Challenges were being faced with this project because Adult Social Care was changing the way it worked locally. To be more sustainable, more focus was required around prevention and more social workers were required within the community. Wokingham had already made changes regarding their first point of contact in that they had a general contact centre, whereas in West Berkshire there was still a social care front door.

Tandra Forster proposed that she would give a presentation at a future meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting regarding the new way of working. The purpose of this item would be to advise the Health and Wellbeing Board on the Adult Social Care change programme.

RESOLVED that Tandra Forster would give a presentation to the Board on the Adult Social Care change programme at a future meeting.

Dr Lise Llewellyn reported that there was evidence that a ‘hands off’ approach was not good as a way of practice and that a professional at the front door was much more effective in improving satisfaction and outcomes

Fiona Slevin-Brown added that it was important that the information detailed under the project description for the Integrated Social Care Hub was revisited to ensure it was fit for local purpose.

Councillor Graham Jones felt that the paper was dry and that there was little regard to the patient experience. Tandra Forster added that it was a new way of working and was not yet being applied to all those going through the front door of services. Rachael Wardell stated that if someone only needed information, then the professional would not be expected to ‘stick’ with them but would stay with them until their information needs were met. Tandra Forster stated that her presentation would include how many people had accessed the front door of services and numbers regarding how many people they had ‘stuck’ with.

Rachael Wardell referred to Stockport, which was a Vanguard site where there were no ‘hands off’. They were developing professional partnerships within communities  and the principle of ‘hands off’ was being operated through GP surgeries. Dr Llewellyn stated that in Buckinghamshire they were integrating at a groups of practice level.  Councillor Jones felt that it would be a worthy exercise to make a visit to one of the areas mentioned or even Greater Manchester.

Adrian Barker asked what FOT stood for and it was confirmed that it was ‘Forecasting Outturn’.

RESOLVED that Officers should ensure acronyms were referenced within reports.

Adrian Barker asked if the use of the NHS Number was comprehensive across the area. Fiona Slevin-Brown confirmed that this was not quite the case. Around 80% were using the system and they needed to reach 95%. This was one of the national criterion for the BCF.

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