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Agenda item

PRU Review & Budget Proposals 2015/16


Ian Pearson presented the update on PRU funding.


The service is forecast to over spend by £500k in 2014/15. The current arrangement is:


·       The LA meets the full cost of permanently excluded pupils transferred to PRUS; the relevant AWPU is repaid by the school to the LA.


For all other placements:


·       Primary Schools pay 50% of the lowest funding band the reminder is paid from the High Needs Block. The funding is paid at a fixed daily rate by the school capped at 12 weeks. If the pupils are not ready to reintegrate after 12 weeks all further costs are met in full by the LA from the High Needs Block.


·       Secondary schools using the Reintegration Service pay the lowest funding band but the cap is 6 weeks. Any provision over 6 weeks met by the LA.


·       Secondary schools using the Alternative Curriculum pay £1,500 per term for a maximum of two years. The balance is paid by the LA.


There are currently a much higher number of pupils on high level top up bandings than budgeted for and the schools are being charged at the lowest bands with the remainder of the costs funded by the High Needs Block.


The proposals for consideration were:


·         Current arrangements remain unchanged.

·         Top up bands are reduced from April 2015.

·         Top up bandings immediately reduced.

·         A reduction in the schools budget 2015/16 to compensate the High Needs Block.

·         An increase in the amounts paid by schools.

·         PRU funding to be delegated to schools in 2016/17 based on a formula.


The recommendation from the HFG was that the report was unclear and that both the financial costs and operational risks were not fully examined. More information is required about the costs of the six strategies and how they affect other areas of the DSG. The Pupil Referral Unit Headteachers and Governors are assisting with compiling a more detailed report.


ACTION: A more detailed report is to be presented to the HFG and Schools’ Forum in January.



















































C Burnham



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