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Agenda item

School Funding Benchmarking Tables


Claire White presented the 2014/15 benchmarking tables which show the funding West Berkshire receives compared with both its statistical neighbours and other unitary authorities in the areas of per pupil funding, individual school budgets, High Needs budgets, total school budgets and individual school budgets against GCSE results.

West Berkshire comes top in the DSG per pupil funding it receives with £4,359 per pupil compared with a median of £4,187 against its statistical neighbours but lower than the median of £4,432 against other unitary authorities. In 2015/16 there will be significant shift in this data as there will be additional funding from Central Government for the lowest funded authorities.

West Berkshire is second highest in the funding it delegates to schools at £4,182 per pupil compared to a median of £4,057 for its statistical neighbours and lower than the median of £4,221 against other unitary authorities.

The high needs budget is £344 per pupil compared to a median of £319 against its statistical neighbours and a median of £299 against other unitary authorities.

The total school budgets data is £4,754 per pupil compared to the median of £4,575 against its statistical neighbours and a median of £4,847 against other unitary authorities.





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