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Agenda item

Hot Focus Session Report (Lesley Wyman)

To discuss the format for the first Hot Topic Session in April on mental health and wellbeing in adults.


Lesley Wyman introduced her report to the Board, which proposed an outline for the first Hot Focus session on 23rd April 2015. Initially it had been intended that the first Hot Focus session should focus on Looked After Children, however given a change of staffing within West Berkshire Council Children’s services, this had now been changed to promoting mental health and wellbeing of adults. Each of the hot Focus Sessions would be based on using a continuum approach:

·         Prevention and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing;

·         Early diagnosis and intervention;

·         Treatment

·         Rehabilitation

The session was an opportunity to bring together relevant partners and would help support the strive towards commissioning alignment.

Each provider in attendance would be asked to showcase their work. To ensure there was time for this within the three hour session, each service would be given four minutes to share what services they offered; who this was aimed at; what they were proud of and what challenges were being faced. Lesley Wyman reported that she had attended a showcasing session, which had been run in a similar manner and it had worked very well. Providing the information in writing was another option however, it was felt that hearing from the provider would be more powerful. Lesley Wyman asked the Board for their comments on the draft agenda under Appendix A.

Shairoz Claridge acknowledged that the mental health and wellbeing of adults was a difficult topic to cover and felt that the session would act as a useful mapping exercise. Dr Lise Llewellyn noted that the event was a showcasing event and an opportunity to identify any gaps in services.

Councillor Franks stated that the objectives he had expected to be met by the event were awareness raising; identification of gaps; opportunities for integration and what more needed to be done. Lesley Wyman was concerned that there was a limit to what could be done in three hours. Dr Bal Bahia agreed that the session needed to be kept simple for example; three things providers were proud of and one thing they would like to change.

Rachael Wardell felt that the session was an opportunity for an important message to be portrayed. Many mental health patients were also parents and this was one of three in a toxic triangle with regards to safeguarding children. Rachael Wardell felt that partners needed to leave the session with a clear understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities.

Leila Ferguson expressed her support for the session and the four minutes showcasing opportunity. She felt that if mapping was to take place at the event then this needed to be followed by monitoring to see how the gaps were rectified. Lesley Wyman stated that this role would be picked up by the relevant delivery group via the delivery plans.

Adrian Barker queried where the event was taking place and if the public was invited. It was confirmed that the event was taking place at Shaw House and could be opened up to the public.

Councillor Franks stated that health visiting was vital in identifying post natal depression and therefore suggested that this be added to the list of showcases.

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