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Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Management Commission Work Programme

Purpose: To receive new items and agree and prioritise the work programme of the Commission to April 2016.


(Councillor Mike Johnston declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Agenda item 6 (Urgent Item – A339 Corridor – DfT Challange Fund Bid) by virtue of the fact that he was working on a contract basis for the DfT, however his role was with rail and as such not a conflict with the DfT challenge fund.  As his interest was personal and not prejudicial or a disclosable pecuniary interest, he determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter.)

Councillor Brain Bedwell drew Members’ attention to item OSMC 12/149 (Newbury Town Centre Parking). He stated that the topic found support from Members following consideration at a previous meeting. Councillor Bedwell proposed that Officers would draft a scoping document if Members deemed a review as beneficial. Members agreed that a review should take place and that it should be scheduled for further discussion following consideration of the proposed scoping document.

Councillor Bedwell introduced an Urgent Item to the Commission (A339 Corridor – DfT Challenge Fund Bid) and invited Mark Edwards to provide further information to the Commission. Mark Edwards advised that the item needed to be considered at the next Executive meeting, scheduled for 23rd April. As the 28 day requirement for reports to the Executive had not have been met, in order for it to be considered as an urgent item. He was required to give notice to the Commission of the item, its purpose and why it needed to be considered urgently. Members would then have the opportunity to consider whether the item required scrutiny, although this would need to take place before the Executive meeting.


Members heard that the Highways and Transport service had been successful in securing £5.6m of funding to improve the A339 corridor from J13 to the Hampshire boundary (to include resurfacing, bridge maintenance and junction improvements). Confirmation was received from the DfT on 24 March 2015 and the report, which would be considered by the Executive, sought approval for the addition of £5.6m to the Highways and Transport Capital Programme.


David Lowe reminded Members that the item was not on the Forward Plan and that they were requested to consider the need to conduct scrutiny ahead of the Executive meeting. 


Councillor Emma Webster suggested that the Commission should not impede the item’s progress as there was no apparent need to conduct scrutiny ahead of the Executive meeting. Members supported the item and collectively congratulated the service for their success in securing the additional funding. Councillor Brain Bedwell endorsed Members’ comments.


Councillor Roger Hunneman introduced the Suggested Topic for Scrutiny which he had submitted – whether the Council was properly discharging its responsibilities to those receiving 'Supported Living' with Mental Health Services. He explained that there had been recent reports in the press of apparent neglect of clients in receipt of 'supported living' services provided by Creative Support on behalf of the Council. He asked that an investigation took place into whether the Support Tasks described in Appendix 1 of the Service Specification for Supported Living Mental Health Services were being carried out by the Council's contractor.


Councillor Hunneman explained that there appeared to be areas of concern associated with the assessed level of an individual’s capability and the level of service allocated to support them. Councillor Hunneman confirmed that the suggested topic for Scrutiny submitted by Councillor Julian Swift- Hook sought to review the same area of concern. Therefore, both items could be considered in conjunction with one another. Members concluded that the topic would be added to the work programme.


Rachael Wardell advised that Children’s Services had been subject to a recent Ofsted inspection and, although the final report was not due for publication until May 2015, Inspectors’ initial feedback suggested that the Commission should look to increase the scrutiny of Children’s Services. Rachael Wardell suggested that the Commission considered its future work programme and increased the number of examinations of Children’s Services functions.

Councillor Bedwell supported Rachael Wardell’s comments but suggested that the Commission would benefit from reading the Inspectors’ report before considering future scrutiny topics. David Lowe suggested that the Commission could monitor the action plan which would be created by the service in response to the points raised within the Inspectors’ report – it could potentially highlight areas for further review. Members agreed that topics would be considered following a review of the Ofsted report.


Resolved that

·         The Newbury Town Centre Parking (OSMC 12/149) would be scheduled for discussion following consideration of the scoping document.

·         Urgent Item to the Commission (A339 Corridor – DfT Challenge Fund Bid) would not require further scrutiny ahead of the Executive meeting on 23rd April 2015.

·         The report outlining the response to the Ofsted review of Children’s Services would be added to the Commission’s work programme.


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