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Agenda item

Performance Report for Level One Indicators

Purpose: To monitor the performance levels across the Council and to consider, where appropriate, any remedial action.


(Councillor Jeff Brooks joined the meeting at 19:10)

Catalin Bogos introduced the report to the Commission concerning Quarter 3 Performance Reporting. The report appraised progress against a basket of 52 key accountable measures and activities aligned to the objectives set out in the Council Strategy. Of the 52 reported measures, outturns were available for 45 at the time of publication.

·                     36 were reported as ‘green’ – or were on track to be delivered / achieved by year end.

·                     7 were reported as ‘amber’ – or behind schedule, or still anticipated being delivered / achieved by year end.

·                     2 were reported as ‘red’.

The 7 measures reported as amber were:


Children and young people

·         Child Protection cases which were reviewed within required timescales

Older people and vulnerable adults

·         Proportion of repeat safeguarding referrals through the monitoring and review of protection plans

·         Level of delayed transfers of care from hospital and those attributable to social care from acute and non-acute settings

·         % of people accessing a housing related support service who have been assessed as needing support who go on to achieve economic wellbeing by improving debt management skills


·         Bring 80 empty homes back into use for by 31/03/15 using the Council’s framework for engaging with identified empty home owners

Community Safety

·         Work with the Environment Agency and other partners to deliver flood alleviation scheme in Eastbury

Working with schools

·         The number of schools judged good or better by Ofsted under the new Framework

The 2 measures reported as red were:


Community safety

·         Work with the Environment Agency and other partners to deliver flood alleviation scheme in Purley (Already reported at Q2)

Working with schools

·         KS1-2: Proportion pupils making 2+ levels of progress in Writing


Members were advised that, overall, a higher proportion of measures and activities were reported as green (expected to achieve the end of year targets) compared to performance levels reported for quarter 2, fewer measures were reported amber and only one additional measure was reported as red (exception report included).  


Councillor Mike Johnston highlighted the Purley Alleviation Scheme performance measure and stated that the RAG status was misleading. He acknowledged that the scheme did not meet the target due date but stressed that the scheme was completed nonetheless. Councillor Johnston challenged the appropriateness of measuring single projects in the current format.

Nick Carter explained that the target was set to enable a reflection of progress to date. However, discussions would take place to consider alternative reporting formats for individual schemes going forward. He stressed that flood alleviation schemes were a key focus for the Council following the effects of adverse weather 2013/14 and individual project measurements provided testimony to the Council’s ongoing priority. Members were reminded that the vast majority of KPIs were measured over the course of the year but on occasion it was deemed appropriate to measure single projects with specific deadlines.

Councillor Roger Hunneman asked whether the KPIs could include national statistics for the purpose of benchmarking. Catalin Bogos advised that, where possible, national benchmarking was available for comparison. However, in some cases, measurements were not consistent across Local Authorities so national comparisons were not possible.

Councillor Paul Bryant was concerned to read that West Berkshire had a higher than average number of smokers in the area, when compared to the national average. Catalin Bogos advised that the outcome from surveys depended significantly on the data source and location chosen at that time. Therefore, the table showed a range within which West Berkshire fell. 

Councillor Brain Bedwell asked why the number of agency workers within Children’s Services continued to increase and he was concerned about the associated expense. He asked whether the service had a target to decrease the number of agency workers going forward. Rachael Wardell advised that the aspiration for the service was to replace all agency staff with permanent Social Workers. However, she stressed that there were numerous reasons why retaining permanent staff in a highly stressful and challenging service area was difficult. Rachael Wardell advised Members that there were significant advantages associated with permanent staff being in place – not least because it enabled Social Workers to build relationships with clients which maximised safeguarding. She reminded Members that the service had recently introduced the Recruitment and Retention Scheme which aimed to increase the number of permanent Social Workers, provide local training to existing staff (grow local talent) and retain qualified staff through the commitment of ongoing training and competetive pay. As a result, the service had secured new recruits who were scheduled to join the Council imminently.

Councillor Jeff Brooks suggested that it would be beneficial to see more data regarding the costs associated with using agency staff. He highlighted that the Council would not be required to pay towards an employee pension, annual leave or other costs associated with maintaining permanent staff. Similarity, more information was required to understand the profile of the new recruits so the Commission could understand the capacity of Children’s Services over the course of the next three months. Rachael Wardell confirmed that she would ask for such data to be created for the Commission

Councillor Paul Bryant asked how the Council defined a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. David Lowe advised that the Council managed general queries on a daily basis - these were considered ‘business as usual’. FOI requests dealt with ‘non-routine’ requests for information of which the Council already have data collected. David Lowe explained that, of the 291 requests reported, it was possible that sub-questions existed which were not recorded. Members heard that irrespective of who asked for the data (media, members of the public or organisations) the request would be logged, acknowledged and dealt with in the same manner.

Resolved that:

·         Rachael Wardell would provide comparative data regarding the costs associated with using agency staff and permanent staff within Children’s services.


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