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Agenda item

Balance Control Scheme for Nursery, Special and PRU Schools




Claire White introduced the report on a Balance Control Scheme for Nursery Schools, Special Schools, and Pupil Referral Units which had been requested by the Schools’ Forum for consideration.


Before considering a scheme for these particular schools, it was put to the Forum whether the scheme for primary and secondary schools was now fit for purpose in the current financial climate and whether an alternative and less stringent scheme should be considered which would apply to all schools. 


Academies no longer have a claw back scheme and many local authorities no longer operate a scheme for maintained schools. The Schools’ Forum members felt that a scheme should be lighter touch and allow schools to make early efficiencies to support their medium term planning rather than encourage them to spend funding to avoid a claw back. The members felt that whilst it was not correct to allow schools to accumulate large balances more autonomy was required and balances should be allowed to be carried forward for good reason and reviewed in conjunction with their budget plan for the next three or four years, although this may mean that the threshold percentage needs increasing. The scheme should also take account of how each type of school is funded.  


DECISION & ACTION: The Schools’ Forum agreed to review the whole scheme for all maintained schools, including special schools, nurseries and PRUs. The review should include suggested threshold rates and clarity over the rational for which schools may retain funding, with a view to implementing for year end 31 March 2016. 

























C White


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