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Agenda item

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (Lise Llewellyn)

Purpose: For the Board to approve the final document following consultation and revisions.


Dr Lise Llewellyn introduced the report to Members of the Board, which sought approval of the final Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) document following consultation and revisions.

Dr Llewellyn reported that there had been a  consultation process on  the document and although there were low numbers of comments, all key stakeholders had participated.

One of the major areas highlighted in the responses to the consultation included the need to identify and publish the individual opening hours of pharmacies in the area and map these against local GP opening hours. A more in depth description of dispensing doctors and their role was also required. Dr Llewellyn reported that the Health and Wellbeing Board needed to agree the changes in document, which were outlined within the report.

Councillor Quentin Webb queried if anyone could use dispensing practices. Dr Llewellyn confirmed that they could not. Only patients who did not live within a one mile radius from a pharmacy were able to use dispensing practices.

Dr Lewellyn stated that the PNA might require reviewing at some point in the future.

Councillor Marcus Franks proposed that the Board approved the final PNA document. This was seconded by Councillor Gwen Mason and carried at the vote.

RESOLVED that the Health and Wellbeing Board approved the final PNA document following consultation and revisions.


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