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Agenda item

Taxi Livery and Advertising

Purpose: To inform Members of a request from the taxi trade to standardise livery and advertising on West Berkshire taxis.


Brian Leahy introduced the report on Taxi Livery and Advertising (Item 5). He summarised that there were standards in place which restricted the size and content of advertising which could be displayed on West Berkshire Hackney Carriage vehicles. Brian Leahy explained the difficulties of effectively enforcing a policy of advertising on vehicles and the officer view was to withdraw all advertising other than basic livery (i.e. a light and two door stickers).

Councillor Tony Linden asked if the livery included ‘no smoking’ signs. Brian Leahy clarified that ‘no smoking’ signs were a requirement under different legislation.

In accordance with paragraph 7.12.14 of the Council’s Constitution, the Chairman proposed suspension of standing orders to allow Members of the trade to participate in the discussion and respond to questions Committee members might have. This was seconded and the Committee voted in favour of this proposal.

Mr Sheikh welcomed the move towards a uniform approach but wished to see opportunities to advertise within limits as described in his correspondence published at Appendix C.

The Chairman expressed the view that the Council could potentially be open to challenge on any criteria brought in to approve advertisements.

Mr Brown proposed that the same size advertising as the front door sticker should be allowed and that this could be enforced during the annual licence approval process.

Councillor Quentin Webb asked if the trade wanted to only advertise the name of the operator or whether other products or brands were being suggested. Mr Sheikh confirmed that they only wished to advertise their own services and these adverts would be the same size as those currently permitted on the doors.

Councillor Bryant did not see any significant harm from additional advertisements on vehicles so long as the standard livery was still visible. He equally commented that this was common to advertise other companies on London cabs and believed this could provide an added source of revenue for the taxi operators.

Mr Brown explained that that there was a need for consistency. The trade wished to see their cars looking smart and having a uniform look. He felt that large amounts of advertising on vehicles might be covering up rust or damage underneath. 

Councillor Billy Drummond did not see this as a problem so long as the car was still roadworthy and safe to use as a taxi.

Members of the Committee then decided to reintroduce Standard Orders to not allow any more comment from the public.

Councillor Mollie Lock commented that it was nice to have uniformity on such vehicles as it helped provide a sense of identity and pride for the taxi operators. She acknowledged that control of the advertising could not be effectively enforced.

Brian Leahy informed the Committee that if members were minded to agree with the proposals they must consider the difficulties this presents to officers in enforcing the conditions. Members could defer their decision until the June meeting where further options could be presented.

Councillor Mollie Lock suggested to the Committee that the current conditions for Hackney Carriage advertising should be retained.

Councillor Rowles queried the need to defer to the June meeting unless other critical information to help inform the decision could be brought forward. He could see no issue with taxi firms promoting themselves as operators so long as they conformed to the rules set by the Council’s Licensing Team.

Councillor Bryant repeated his view he could not see any concerns with banning wider advertising.

Councillor Webb commented that if the trade were asking to advertise other companies he felt it would be a better option to keep the standard advertising vinyl, with the standard sizing, etc. and this could helpfully be discussed further at the June meeting of the Committee. Whilst, Councillor Edwards suggested that some benchmarking work could be undertaken to see how other Local Authorities managed this issue.

The Chairman asked Members to vote on the proposal to defer the matter of taxi livery and advertising to the next meeting of the Licensing Committee.

RESOLVED that the proposed changes to the terms and conditions with regards to Taxi Livery and Advertising (Item 5) was deferred for consideration at the June 2015 meeting of the Licensing Committee.

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