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Agenda item

DSG Outturn 2014/15 and Carry Forward to 2015/16




Shannon Coleman-Slaughter presented the report on the DSG outturn for 2014/15. The overall position was an under spend of £1.1m (compared to the month ten forecast of £975k under spend).


The Schools’ Block was £149k underspent, £119k of which related to the primary schools in financial difficulty de-delegated budget. As this is a ring fenced budget it was recommended that this is carried forward and added to the 2015/16 pool. The growth fund was also underspent, and it was recommended that the remaining underspend in this block of £30k be added to the 2015/16 fund for the benefit of all schools who meet the criteria. 


The Early Years Block was £606k underspent, slightly less than previously forecast. It had already been agreed at the last meeting of the Schools’ Forum that the under spend in this block would be carried forward to go towards funding the 2015/16 early years budget.


The High Needs Block was £345k underspent, slightly higher than previously forecast. It was recommended that this be carried forward to go towards the shortfall in funding in the high needs block for 2015/16. This would then leave a shortfall of £120k compared to the budget of £265k.

DECISION: It was agreed that the underspend of £1,099,530 be carried forward to the 2015/16 budget as follows:

Primary schools in financial difficulty £118,850 (though it was noted that primary schools may wish to consider the amounts for de-delegation in 2016/17 in light of this)

Contingency - Growth Fund £29,640

Early Years Block towards funding the budget as set - £606,090

High Needs Block towards funding the budget as set - £344,950


ACTION: 2015/16 budgets to be amended accordingly 


































S. Coleman-Slaughter


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