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Agenda item

Performance Report for Level One Indicators

Purpose: To monitor quarterly the performance levels across the Council and to consider, where appropriate, any remedial action.


The Commission considered a report (Agenda Item 15) concerning the Key Accountable Performance outturn report for quarter one 2015/16. Catalin Bogos (Performance, Research and Consultation Manager) informed Members that it was the first report issued since the performance management methodology had been revised. This was also the first performance report on the new Councils Strategy approved by the Council in May 2015.

The current report contained 27 key measures, of which 19 were available at the end of Q1. Fourteen of these measures were reported as ‘green’ and 5 were reported as ‘Amber’. Catalin Bogos advised that the amber items predominantly related to Children’s Services’ performance measures, however, exception reports were requested for all items reported as amber and then detailed within the main body of the report.

Councillor Alan Macro was concerned to read that the majority of amber items related to Child Protection processes, most notably because the Commission had received an update from the Head of Children’s Services earlier that evening and was led to believe that progress was being made.

Councillor Macro stated that it was unfortunate to see that some key performance measures had been withdrawn from the report, empty houses being one of those. He highlighted that the previous reports suggested that the performance was outside the target level which had been set and that it was a shame to lose sight of these.

Councillor Emma Webster reminded Members that a task group would meet the following week to consider the current set of measures and to note that these should be closely linked to the Council Strategy.

Catalin Bogos reminded Members that the previous performance reports included a basket of indicators that provided progress updates against the previous Council Strategy and that the report considered by the Commission reflected the new basket of indicators used to monitor the delivery of the new Council Strategy 2015-2019. In addition, the revised performance management methodology allowed services to propose new targets if it provided a more accurate reflection of the performance challenges/ successes faced within their service.

Councillor Rick Jones asked for clarification regarding the term ‘core functions’. Catalin advised that a large number of measures could be included within the report as several hundred functions were undertaken by services within the Council. However, the Council was selective in the measurements it considered to be a priority – based upon whether the item directly linked to an element of the Council Strategy. Items referred to as ‘core business’ were not directly linked to the identified priorities of the Council Strategy but they were additional measure that contributed towards a fundamental, high profile, public facing service within the Council.

Councillor Laszlo Zverko highlighted the alarming figures detailed within graphs 13 and 14 of the report. Catalin advised that when compared to the national result, West Berkshire’s levels were similar (for 4-5 years olds) or significantly better (for 10-11 years old). The Commission heard that child obesity was an area of national concern but that it had also been picked up within the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment which was considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board.

 Resolved that:

1)    Catalin Bogos would provide clarification regarding the National Child Measurements Programme.

2)    The report was noted.


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