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Agenda item

Severe Weather

Purpose: To monitor the progress of recommendations associated with the earlier review of the response to severe weather experienced during the winter of 2013/14.


Carolyn Richardson (Civil Contingency Manager) introduced the report to Members of the Commission. She advised that the action plan had been in place for 18 months and that during this time there had been a lot of positive work undertaken.

Members were reminded that the a debrief took place following the severe weather in 2013/14 and that, through this process, the Commission created the action plan for ongoing review. The report explained that the action plan contained 60 items in total and that, to date, 34 of those had been concluded. Carolyn Richardson explained that the remaining items were under regular review and that, in summary:

·         3 of the remaining items would form business as usual and the action plan would be amended to reflect this;

·         12 of the remaining  items would be completed by March 2016;

·         3 items related to Business Continuity updates and that, due to unforeseen resourcing issues, progress had been hindered.  The issue had recently been resolved so Members could be assured that work would recommence;

·         3 items related to actions reliant on external agencies entailed difficulty influencing progress. However, every effort would be made to ensure progress was continuously monitored and obstacles addressed;

·         3 items referred to the work of the Highways and Transport team and it was likely that these would form business as usual.


Councillor Rick Jones noticed that a lot of resource was used to administer the Repair and Renewal Grant and asked what the take-up had been like across West Berkshire. Carolyn Richardson advised that the scheme was promoted through various avenues and on multiple occasions – direct to homes which had flooded and to the wider community. Up-take varied due to a variety of reasons and, although the scheme concluded in June 2015, agencies continued to promote the measures available to protect homes at risk of flooding.


Councillor Alan Macro was concerned to hear about the delay with Business Continuity items. Carolyn Richardson assured him that work was underway to address these actions now that an Officer was back in post.


Councillor Macro asked whether the Communications Strategy was on track – noticing that the update suggested that work would commence in July 2015. Carolyn Richardson advised that the item had progressed well. It was intended that a Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum Communications Strategy would be created and a West Berkshire Communications Strategy would be developed to compliment this and provide local context. In addition, a lot of work had take place to develop an Information Sharing Protocol to assist agencies with sharing vital information regarding vulnerable people during emergencies. This was notably an area of concern highlighted by the debrief and a solution was under development.


Councillor Macro asked whether any work had taken place to understand the management of weirs along the River Kennet. Stuart Clark (Principal Engineer) advised that a bid had been submitted to the Environment Agency (EA) to conduct a study of the area but this was rejected because the EA had a statutory responsibility for the river. Members heard that this prompted the EA to recognise a need for a survey so Stuart Clark was pleased to say that the same bid had been submitted through the EA to DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). Councillor Emma Webster suggested that the bid process might benefit from the support of the local MP’s. It was agreed that a copy of the bid should be sent to them with a request to support the bid.

Councillor Jones highlighted concerns that Thames Water failed to provide the necessary support to impacted residents. He wondered whether, through the process of the review and ongoing actions, that Thames Water would be better placed to deliver assistance if the need arose. Carolyn Richardson advised that Thames Waters level of engagement with partners had improved and this assisted with the preplanning process. However, she was not in a position to specify their state of preparedness during an emergency, although she believed they were better equipped compared to previous events. Carolyn Richardson reminded Members that the action plan requested that a letter be issued to the DCLG (Department for Local Governments) to request clarification in terms of the provision of portaloos. Members recalled the difficulties and costs associated with this request in 2013/14.


Councillor Garth Simpson commended Carolyn Richardson and Stuart Clark for their efforts to address concerns or gaps and for their ongoing management of the action plan.


Councillor Webster extended her thanks to Carolyn Richardson, Stuart Clark and everyone within the Council who support the event and continued to support ongoing needs to prepare for incidents which impacted local residents. The Commission echoed the comments of the Chairman.


Resolved that:

·         Carolyn Richardson would confirm the spread of RRG’s approved across West Berkshire;

·         Support would continue to be provided to Officers to ensure the successful progression of the actions to a satisfactory conclusion;

·         The report be noted.

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