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Agenda item

Council Tax Support Scheme 2016/17 (C2931)

For Council to consider and make a decision on proposals to change the Council Tax Support Scheme from 1st April 2016.


(All Members present had been granted a dispensation to speak and vote on this item)

The Council considered a report (Agenda Item 13) concerning a proposal to change the Council Tax Support Scheme from 01st April 2016.

MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Roger Croft and seconded by Councillor Alan Law:

That the Council:

1.    “amends the Council Tax Support scheme to reduce the maximum support for working age claimants from 90% to 75% with effect from 1st April 2016.

2.    amends the Council Tax Support scheme to cap the maximum amount of relief given to working age claimants at that which would apply to a property in council tax band D with effect from 1st April 2016.

3.    amends the Council Tax Support scheme from 1st April 2016 so that the minimum weekly entitlement for working age claimants was £3. Assessments producing an entitlement of less than £3 per week to become Nil entitlement.

4.    Second Adult Rebate to cease to have effect from 1st April 2016 and all existing entitlements will be cancelled from that date.

5.    A tolerance of £40 per month to be applied to changes in Universal Credit before a change to Council Tax support is required.”


Councillor Roger Croft explained that Council Tax Support (CTS) was a local scheme which provided assistance to residents with limited financial means. He stressed that the changes would not be applied to pensioners and claimants deemed to be vulnerable. He noted that currently working age claimants were asked to contribute 10% and that it was being proposed that this be increased to 25%.

The Council was required to undertake consultation on any changes. A questionnaire and supporting information had been sent to all current recipients of CTS and had also been made available on the Council’s website.

Councillor Lee Dillon commented that while the Liberal Democrat Group supported many of the recommendations they could not support the report in its totality. They did not support the reduction in support from 90% to 75% which would affect the poorest residents at the same time as cuts to services were also being proposed. He felt that these residents were being ‘squeezed’ by changes to benefits both locally and nationally. Councillor Alan Macro commented that about 40% of those affected were working age claimants.

Councillor Alan Law supported this element of a package of savings that would generate around £400k of savings during these difficult financial times. He noted that the Council would need to save around £10m and this proposal was one part of the savings that needed to be spread across a range of areas. He reinforced the comment from Councillor Croft that the proposals would not target the most vulnerable or pensioners. He also noted that the Council’s hardship scheme was still in place to assist those in genuine need.

Councillor Croft reminded Members that unemployment in the District was very low and that residents who were capable should make a contribution towards the services they received.

The Motion was put to the meeting and duly RESOLVED.


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