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Agenda item

Gambling Act 2005 (C3050)

To determine a Statement of Licensing Policy on Gambling.


The Council considered a report (Agenda Item 19) concerning proposed amendments to the Statement of Licensing Policy on Gambling..

MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Marcus Franks  and seconded by Councillor Jeff Beck:

That the Council:

“approves the revised version of the policy as amended, following a recent statutory consultation”.

Councillor Franks in introducing the report stated that the Council had a mandatory duty to publish a statement of policy on Gambling every three years.  He thanked Officers and Members for the work that they had put into reviewing the drafts. The most significant changes were around the requirement for risk assessments and the ability to use Local Area Profiles. While the Council did not currently have any plans to make use of these it was felt appropriate to include them should the Council be minded to make use of them in the future.

Councillor Jeff Beck explained that the proposals had been debated at ;length at the Licensing Committee meeting on the 22 September 2015. This was followed by a public consultation period and the outcomes were brought to a Licensing Committee meeting held on the 10th November 2015.

The Motion was put to the meeting and duly RESOLVED.


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