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Agenda item



Jo Reeves presented the latest information on the membership of the Schools Forum.

This was John Tyzack’s last meeting of the Schools Forum, having announced his resignation as a Primary Governor representative at the previous meeting. John Tyzack had been the Chairman of the Schools Forum since it was established in 2002 and had been a Governor at various Primary Schools in the District for some 29 years. He planned to accept the role as the Foundation Governor at Enborne Primary School. Jo Reeves, speaking on behalf of all the Schools Forum members, thanked John Tyzack for his eminent service to the Schools Forum and the community.

It was noted that Peter Hudson had come to the end of his term as a Primary School Governor representative on the Schools Forum. John Tyzack thanked him for his service and noted that he had stood again in the recent election for Primary governors.

Chris Davis, Headteacher at Francis Baily Primary School, had replaced Kate House as a Primary Headteacher representative. Ben Broyd, Learner Services Manager at Newbury College had replaced Fadia Clarke as the Non School Post 16 Provider representative. Both were welcomed to the Schools Forum.

The election for two Primary School governor representatives had closed and the successful candidates would be announced on Friday 18th March 2016.

RESOLVED that the changes to the membership of the Schools Forum were noted.