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(Reverend Mary Harwood left the meeting at 6.30pm)

Claire White drew the Forum’s attention to the briefing note which had been circulated electronically immediately prior to the meeting and were also available in paper copy. This briefing had been prepared to inform Schools Forum members about two “stage one” consultations that had been published by the DfE following the publication of the agenda for the meeting in respect of the schools national funding formula and the high needs funding reform.

Both consultations were stage one – setting down the principles, and what to include in the formula. This stage would close on 17th April 2016. Second stage consultations would follow, probably in the Summer Term, which would attach values to formula factors and provide indicative impacts on local authorities and individual schools. At this stage it was unknown whether West Berkshire will be at an advantage or not from these proposals. It was hoped that West Berkshire would benefit because schools were funded below the national average level.

The local school formula for 2017/18 would need to be agreed by the Council’s Executive in October 2016, so it was likely that the decision making and consultation with schools would need to take place in a very short timescale.

Claire White described the elements of the schools block consultation, particularly drawing attention to a sparsity element which was not currently used by West Berkshire because the two mile cut off was deemed to be unfair. An exceptional growth fund however would be beneficial to west Berkshire Schools as it would support rapidly expanding and new schools.

(Suzanne Taylor left the meeting at 6.42pm)

Keith Watts asked for officers’ comment on the government statement that schools would not just be funded on a historical basis. Claire White confirmed that the government had suggested that the funding would be based on need including proxy measures however it was dependent on the total amount of funding available.

Keith Watts advised that following the calculations of the f40 campaign group , West Berkshire would stand to have its budget increased by 4% by 2019. Claire White commented that some members of the group had advised the government in preparing the consultation.

(Chris Davis left the meeting at 6.45pm)

Claire White went on to outline the proposals contained within the High Needs funding consultation, in particular noting that funding would not be linked to the number of EHC plans issued as this would be a perverse incentive and there would be capital funding made available for expansion of specialist high needs provision.

Peter Hudson commented that the devil would be in the detail and would await the figures. He asked for the timescales; Claire White advised that the government had not provided a timetable for the consultation and implementation of proposals at this stage.

Keith Watts asked whether Forum members should respond to the consultation. Claire White advised that the council would be responding but urged members to respond on those points that they particularly held strong views on. Keith Watts commented that the National Union of Teachers had asked what weight would be applied to the responses of various consultees and were told that the government would ‘take notice of its partners’.

Peter Hudson stated that this might be his last meeting of the Schools Forum, depending on the outcome of the recent election, and expressed that he had thoroughly enjoyed his time as a member.

Keith Watts stated that he had been a member of the Schools Forum for about the same time as John Tyzack and thanked him for his masterful chairing.

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