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Agenda item

Health and Social Care Dashboard (Tandra Forster/Shairoz Claridge/Rachael Wardell)

Purpose: To present the Dashboard and highlight any emerging issues.


The Board considered a report (Agenda Item 9) concerning the Health and Social Care Dashboard.

ASC1: Proportion of older people (65+) who were still at home 91 days after discharge from hospital to reablement/rehabilitation service: Tandra Forster was disappointed to report that latest data indicated that this measure would remain ‘red’ at year-end as the measure related to a small number of people and it would not  take a lot of change to effect performance against the measure. There would be continued work to provide reablement support as the majority of people admitted to hospital wanted to be able to return home.

ASC3: Proportion of clients with Long Term Service receiving a review in the past 12 months: Latest data now indicated that performance was at 90% against the measure and officers were confident that by year-end 100% of reviews would be achieved.

Rachael Wardell commented that some of the RAG rating in the Children’s Social Care section was incorrect.

CSC1: The number of looked after children per 10,000 population: Rachael Wardell advised that 46 looked after children per 10,000 would make this indicator ‘green’ as it was within normal range and since submitting the data for inclusion in the dashboard there were 45.

CSC2: The number of child protection plans per 10,000 population: This measure should not be reported as ‘green’ as the number was outside normal range, however Rachael Wardell reported that she was not currently concerned about this measure as the length of time children were staying on a plan was reducing thanks to effective interventions or timely escalation.

CSC3: The number of Section 47 enquiries per 10,000 population: numbers of Section 47 enquiries were still increasing. They were a significant intervention and might be seen as heavy-handed if they did not result in a Child Protection Plan. Conversely, children might be at a safeguarding risk if concerns were not progressed under a Section 47 enquiry. This indicator was ‘red” and was a cause for concern.

CSC4: To maintain a high percentage of (single) assessments being completed within 45 working days: Performance was reported at 79% so should not be ‘red’. Although recent performance was much higher than 79% at 93% and 96%, YTD performance is negatively impacted by poor performance earlier in the year.

CSC6: Child Protection cases which were reviewed within required timescales: Although performance of 99% met the suggested target and could be flagged as ‘green’ Rachael Wardell was satisfied to leave this measure as ‘amber’ as in her view 100% should be being achieved.

CSC7: Percentage of LAC with Health Assessments completed on time: Q3 reporting had demonstrated that performance was at 93% and above target. As at the end of February, performance against this measure was now 98% and expected to be achieved by year-end.

AS1: 4-hour A&E target - total time spent in the A&E Department: Although this measure should be green as it was showing performance of 95.1% against a target of 95%. However Q4 reporting was expected to make performance against this indicator ‘red’ again.

Dr Barbara Barrie commented that an influenza virus had been affecting children and young to middle-aged adults which had impacted on the resilience of A+E and primary care. Shairoz Claridge commented that while there were issues, the Royal Berkshire Hospital was the second best in the South and although it might not hit the target it was performing well.

AS2: Average number of Delayed Transfers of Care (all delays) per 100,000 population (18+): Tandra Forster advised that local hospitals were performing well, however North Hampshire and Great Western Hospitals were struggling. The main challenge was to coordinate the right care package to be delivered to those in rural areas. There had been a number of companies withdrawing from the market place and giving 28 days notice on the Council that they would no longer be providing the care package.

Primary Care: Shairoz Claridge advised that so far it had been difficult to gather robust data on these indicators however from the 1st April 2016 these should be possible. Dr Barbara Barrie commented that a measure on out-of-hours care would be helpful.

Cathy Winfield commented that a similar approach to the Alamac was required as the system was not good enough at anticipating service pressures.

Shairoz Claridge advised the Board that the CCG was under national investigation due to missing the DToC target of 5% delayed bed days from the point that the patient was ready for discharge. Tandra Forster commented that the CCG used a different indicator to the Council. 

RESOLVED that the Health and Social Care Dashboard be noted.

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