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Agenda item

Questions to the Chief Executive


Nick Carter (NC), the Chief Executive was able to attend the meeting at short notice and invited concerns from the Board.

MH noted there were no advocates to help people with disabilities find their way through the system, especially people accessing it for the first time.  AF advised he had received a phone call from a different care agency to say they had taken over his care, without any advance warning from ASC.  NC advised that the Board should discuss these issues with Tandra Forster as the Council is moving to a new way of working and she is the architect of the new system.  The aim is to avoid people going into long term residential care and look at other ways of supporting people.  A pilot has been underway for the last 2 years and it had been very successful.  Action 6:  NC to raise this with Tandra Forster and RC to invite her to a future meeting

JC observed it would be useful to know what is available for people with disabilities and that a directory of grants could help with this.  NC said that he thought there was a directory on the website, although he appreciated this would not easily accessible to everyone.

AF mentioned he had attended a meeting a while ago when the redesign of the grant system was discussed but he had heard nothing since.

JR added that at the CAB they print off information for people from the Council’s website, as does the Council’s contact centre.

NC remarked it was possibly the navigating of the website that was the problem and it may be necessary to go to different parts of it in order to access all the information that people require.

The website was redesigned about 2-3 years ago around customers’ requirements and the majority of people were most interested in the digitised functions such as reporting pot holes or making a council tax payment.  NC will ask Phil Rumens to meet with Board members to work through their needs.  MH, JC, KH and JR said they would like to be involved in this session.  Action 7:  NC to discuss with Phil Rumens/RC to arrange the session and transport for KH

GM asked if pictorial symbols had been included in the new website and NC said that this should also be raised with Phil Rumens.

GM mentioned a case she was aware of involving a 16 year old with Spina Bifida and NC asked her to email him the details so he could take it up with Mac Heath in Children’s Services.  Action 8:  GM to email the details to NC

It was noted that the Social Care Information Point (SCiP), available via the WBC website, is hosted externally.

AF mentioned that the road service in Hilden’s Drive required attention as the concrete joints had failed.  NC said that he was undertaking an inspection with Ward Members in the near future and would take particular note of this.  JC said there were similar problems in the Digby Road area in Speen and Newbury town centre where the slabs have failed.  Action 9:  NC to advise the date of his walkabout in Newbury and inspection with Members in Tilehurst to enable JC and AF to join him

AF raised the lack of double yellow lines at the bus stop in Hilden’s Drive, which resulted in residents parking in front of the kessel kerb.  Action 10:  NC to investigate

NC advised that the construction work at Junction 12 of the M4 was being paid for Ikea, although the Council has to approve all the designs.

KH said he is not on the list of the Sensory Needs department at Upper Pincents Lane and as a result they do not visit him.  He wondered if the service had been affected by the savings proposals.  Action 11:  NC to investigate