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Agenda item

DSG Monitoring 2016/17 Month 5


(Paul Dick left the meeting at 5.57pm).

The Forum considered a report (Agenda item 9) regarding the DSG Monitoring for Month 5 of 2016/17. This was a regular report to the Forum.

As at the end of August 2016 there were no variances emerging in any of the spending blocks compared to the budget set. Claire White added that it was too early in the academic year to assess whether the DSG budget would continue to be on-line. Most funding changes occurred in the autumn term and a clearer picture would therefore emerge from Month 6.

The forecast overspend on grant income of £697k as at Month 3 was due to the Forum’s decision in March 2016 to allocate out more grant than that expected to enable the continuation of some key high needs services and therefore a two year view needed to be taken on the budget. It was forecast that the 2016/17 overspend could be met from the 2017/18 DSG allocation.

This overspend on grant income had increased by a further £303k and this was due to the January 2016 early years PVI census returning a lower number than that estimated in the budget. The Council became aware of this in July 2016 and this had resulted in a claw back of funding relating to 2015/16 (£91k) and a lower estimate of funding for 2016/17.

In terms of further pressures, these were not significant within the Schools Block. As noted earlier in the meeting, the Early Years Block was currently forecasting an overspend. A growing pressure in the High Needs Block were charges for hospital tuition (in private settings) and the level/nature of these charges were currently being investigated.

David Ramsden queried the costs involved for hospital tuition. Rachael Wardell explained that these varied from setting to setting, but there was consistently a high daily rate. These costs were regularly challenged. In terms of actual spend, Claire White explained that the cost in 2015/16 was £20k and this was unbudgeted. A £20k budget had been set up for 2016/17. David Ramsden queried whether the £20k cost in 2015/16 covered a full financial year and therefore whether the 2016/17 provision was adequate. Rachael Wardell noted this point and the Education Service would provide confirmation.

Graham Spellman queried that given the increase in rateable values, whether schools could apply for Business Rate relief from the Council. Claire White advised that Business Rates were paid to Government and only a proportion was paid back to the local authority.


·         that the report be noted; and

·         Information would be provided from the Education Service to confirm whether the £20k figure for 2015/16 for hospital tuition costs covered a full financial year and therefore whether the 2016/17 provision of £20k was adequate.

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