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Agenda item

Criteria and Budget for Additional Funds 2017/18


Ian Pearson introduced the report (Agenda Item 9) which set out the current criteria and budgets for additional funds, for review by members of the Forum Group to ensure they were still relevant and met their purpose. No changes were proposed for 2017/18. However the criteria for each fund were included in the appendices for members of the group to review and to propose any amendments. The budget for each fund also needed to be agreed, and the proposed amounts were shown in Table 1.

Peter Hudson joined the meeting at 17.43.

Reverend Mark Bennet asked what happened to the funding in each of the funds if it was not spent. Claire White advised that it could either be transferred back to the Schools Block or carried forward to the next year. The Schools Forum had chosen to build up the Growth Fund using underspends in previous years as a new school was anticipated, now in 2018. The government had proposed to include the Growth Fund in the national funding formula but there was uncertainty regarding these arrangements. Ian Pearson noted that Heads Funding Group had recommended a lower budget for the Growth Fund which  was  reflected in the figures contained within the report. Claire White explained that there was currently £144k in the Growth Fund carried forward from previous years.

David Ramsden asked what the forecast was for the Growth Fund; Claire White responded that based on the October 2016 school census it was likely that the allocated amount would be fully utilised.

David Ramsden asked what the forecast was for the Primary Schools in Financial Difficulty Fund; Claire White responded that £100k had been spent and she was unaware whether there would be more bids.

Paul Dick asked what schools were eligible for the Additional High Needs Fund. Claire White responded that historically small schools had qualified for funding but now there was no trend.

David Ramsden asked how the funds were allocated; Claire White explained that the criteria were laid out in the appendices to the report.

Chris Davis noted that in Appendix D, the table at 2.4 was missing. Claire White advised that the table would be inserted with the latest data when it was circulated to schools in the spring.


·         The criteria for each fund be agreed as set out in the appendices.

·         The funding to be set aside for each fund be agreed as set out in Table 1.

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