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Agenda item

Proposed Main Modifications to the Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document (HSA DPD) (C3188)

To consider the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document (HSA DPD), the updated Sustainability Appraisal Report and updated Habitats Regulations Assessment, and to approve these for publication for a 7 week period of public consultation. This is a regulatory stage of the DPD process and requires Council resolution.


(Councillor Quentin Webb declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Agenda item 15 by virtue of the fact that he owned a home in Hermitage Green and there was a proposal to change a settlement boundary that would affect his property. As his interest was a disclosable pecuniary interest he determined to leave the meeting, stood down as Chairman for this item and took no part in the debate or voting on the matter).


(Councillor Sheila Ellison declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Agenda item 15 by virtue of the fact that she owned land within one of the proposed changes to a settlement boundary. As her interest was a disclosable pecuniary interest she determined to leave the meeting, and took no part in the debate or voting on the matter).


(Councillor Carol Jackson-Doerge declared a personal interest in Agenda item 15 by virtue of the fact that she lived within the parish of Burgfield which was referenced in the report. As her interest was personal and not a disclosable pecuniary or other registrable interest she determined to take part in the debate and vote on the matter).


(Councillor Alan Macro declared a personal interest in Agenda item 15 by virtue of the fact that he lived opposite one of the sites. As his interest was personal and not a disclosable pecuniary or other registrable interest he determined to take part in the debate and vote on the matter).


(Councillor Quentin Webb left the meeting at 7.46pm and returned at 8.00pm)

(Councillor Sheila Ellison left the meeting at 7.46pm and returned at 8.00pm)


(Councillor Carol Jackson-Doerge in the Chair for this item.)


The Council considered a report (Agenda Item 15) concerning the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document (HSA DPD), the updated Sustainability Appraisal Report and updated Habitats Regulations Assessment. The reportsought authority to approve these for publication for a seven week period of public consultation as a regulatory stage of the DPD process.


(Councillor Tony Linden left the meeting at 7.47pm and returned at 7.53pm)


MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Hilary Cole and seconded by Councillor Alan Law:

That the Council:

1.            “Publishes the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Housing Site Allocations Development Plan Document in accordance with Section 20 (7c) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) for a seven week period of consultation.

2.            Publishes the accompanying updated SA/SEA Report and updated Habitats Regulations Assessment in accordance with Section 20 (7c) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) for a seven week period of consultation where they relate to the Proposed Main Modifications.

3.            Delegates authority to the Head of Planning and Countryside in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing, to agree any non-material supporting documentation and any other non-material refinements to the wording of the DPD before consultation.”


Councillor Hilary Cole stated this long process had started in January 2014. The DPD had been submitted to the Secretary of State in April 2016 and examination hearing sessions were held in June and July 2016 to discuss a number of issues the Inspector wanted to clarify. The Council made a formal request, under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, for the Inspector to recommend Main Modifications to the DPD in September 2016. During the hearings the Council was asked to undertake some additional work on a number of issues and this work was completed in August 2016 and was submitted to the Inspector in September 2016.


The Main Modifications were set out in Appendix Ci to the report. The modifications were designed to make the DPD sound. Councillor Hilary Cole stated that it was important to note that the inspector had not requested that any sites be added to the DPD nor had he requested that any be removed. She noted that the inspector had read and accepted most of the arguments put forward by the Council.


Councillor Hilary Cole commended Officers for the sterling work that they had undertaken in preparing the HSA DPD. She also thanked her predecessor Councillor Alan Law for all the work that he had done.


This report sought authority for the Council to go out to a seven week consultation on the modifications and stressed that the consultation was not an opportunity to revisit issues that had not been amended. It had been agreed to extend the consultation for an additional week as it was being issued over the Christmas period. While the timing was unfortunate it was important to progress this issue as soon as possible to ensure that the Council remained a planning lead authority.


Councillor Alan Macro commented that in November 2015 the Liberal Democrat Group had voted against the DPD due to the concerns that they had about sites in Greenham, Thatcham, Tilehurst, Calcot and Theale but that they would support this proposal as it sought permission to consult the community.


Councillor Garth Simpson stated that Cold Ash Parish Council were not satisfied with the process as they felt that their views had been ignored. The village was hemmed in by its topography and traffic was the number one concern for residents. They would however respond again to this consultation.


Councillor Alan Law reminded Members that the selected sites had been submitted a year ago and that the Inspector had not added or deleted any of them. While the housing sites were important there were also new policies pertaining to managing houses in the countryside and new parking requirements. Both of these policies had been endorsed by the Inspector.


Councillor Law commented that Officers, Members and residents should be congratulated on their persistence with this length process that had initially been started in 2005. This was a Government mandated process and he felt that it was important that a message was sent back to them , especially to the Department for Communities and Local Government, to trust local authorities to streamline their own processes. He felt that they should get rid of these expensive and time consuming hearings and allow Councils to get on with developing their plans.


Councillor Hilary Cole stated that she disputed Councillor Simpson’s assertion that parish councils were not consulted. An extensive consultation exercise had been undertaken with parish councils in January 2014. She accepted that the authority might however have disagreed with some of the views of parish councils.


The Motion was put to the meeting and duly RESOLVED.


(Councillor Webb back in the Chair.)


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