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Agenda item

High Needs Block Budget Proposals 2017/18 (Ian Pearson, Jane Seymour and Cathy Burnham)


Ian Pearson introduced the report which sought to update Members of the Forum on the current financial position of the High Needs Block budget for 2016/17 and 2017/18. The report set out option available in order to balance the budget over 2017/18 and 2018/19.

There would be deficit of just under £600k in 2017/18 and then for 2018/19 the deficit would reduce to just under £300k. The Schools Forum needed to look at the potential saving options included within the report and decide which savings should be made to bring the budget back into balance. The Heads Funding Group had discussed the various options in detail at its last meeting and recommendations made by the Group were included on page 66 of the report. It was confirmed that the Schools Forum did not need to make a decision on these saving options at that point in time however, needed to have a clear idea of which options it favoured.

Claire White reported that that the Schools Forum would have to make a decision in March regarding which savings should be made. By this time savings from the PRU review would be clearer along with the forecast for 2016/17 and 2017/18.

Jane Seymour referred to page 67 of the report, where reducing speech and language therapy sessions was a possible savings option. Jane Seymour reported that the need for therapy had reduced however, Specials Schools would still have the option to buy these services if they wanted to.

Peter Hudson asked if other areas listed as possible saving options could be bought back by schools. Jane Seymour reported that the Specialist Inclusion Support Service could be bought back by schools.

Paul Dick felt that the principle should be added that if services were not statutory they should not funded. Ian Pearson reported that Jane Seymour was working closely with a group of Head Teachers to reduce the cost of different services being offered.  Paul Dick stated that he would be happy to be a part of this group.

Reverend Mark Bennett referred to balancing in year budgets and raised a query regarding what happened to deficits. Claire White confirmed that these deficits would be paid using future savings.

Keith Harvey asked if all the Option A savings were added together, it would be close to £50k deficit in 2018/19. Claire White confirmed that they would as savings in 2017/18 would be doubled up over two years.

David Ramsden commented that the High Needs Block needed to operate year on year. He commended the table on page 66 and 67 of the report, which gave a sliding scale of possible savings.

Peter Hudson referred to column B of the table on page 66, which stated ‘possible saving subject to further discussion’ and queried what the timeframe would be for these discussions. Jane Seymour reported that conversations were taking place currently and there would be clarity on areas of savings categorised under column B by the next meeting of the Schools Forum in March.

The Chairman invited Members of the Forum to vote on if they agreed with the savings strategy for 2017/18 and 2018/19 as per the Heads Funding Group recommendations as set out in Section 7 of the report.

Paul Dick reiterated his point that only statutory services should be continued and wanted to ensure this was noted.

RESOLVED that all were in favour of that recommended by the Heads Funding Group as set out in Section 7 of the report.

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