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Agenda item

Key Accountable Performance 2017/18: Q2

To scrutinise Q2 outturns against the Key Accountable Measures contained in the 2017/18 Council Performance Framework and consider topics for more detailed investigation.


Catalin Bogos introduced the report which outlined the Quarter two outturns, for the Key Accountable measures which monitored performance against the 2017/18 Council Performance Framework. The Commission heard that the Council continued to perform well against ambitious targets and that notable achievements this quarter related to all Adult Social Care services being rated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as at least ‘Good’ or better and over 95% of the District’s schools rated ‘Good’ or better by Ofsted.

Most of the measures RAG rated Amber had achieved results so far only slightly below targets, and were not of significant concern at this stage.

Councillor Graham Bridgman suggested that the new measure - Number of Community Conversations through which local issues are identified and addressed - was a challenging measure because it was difficult to quantify success.

The Commission discussed the measures associated with the new Universal Credit system. It was clear that the level of demand was not yet known. Councillor Dillon suggested that a review into the impact of the Universal Credit System might complement the Prevalence of Homelessness review (which would be added to the OSMC work programme), with homelessness a potential indirect consequence of Universal Credit.

In response to questions asked, Catalin Bogos advised that the educational attainment results for the 2016/17 academic year would be available in Q3. Councillor Dillon noted that the Commission was considering a Q2 report in the Q4 period; he was frustrated by the delay in receiving accurate performance data. Catalin Bogos assured the Commission that the most recent validated data was provided at the time the report was published.

Resolved that:

(1)       The report was noted.


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