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Agenda item

Dementia Enabling Environment Project in Adult Social Care

To present information regarding a project in the Adult Social Care Service implementing the principles of dementia enabling environments.


The Board received a presentation (Agenda Item 12) from Sue Brain and James Lewis regarding the dementia enabling environments project in adult social care.

The project had been initiated following a presentation by Dementia Design Specialist Architects to the Health and Wellbeing Steering Group in 2017. It was recognised that there was an opportunity to make improvements to Birchwood Care Home following an assessment that it was not a dementia friendly environment. There was also an opportunity to help people with dementia to stay at home for longer.

The outputs for the project had been difficult to define but it was noted that in Birchwood a reduction in challenging behaviour would be a good outcome in addition to an improved Care Quality Comissioner rating. In the community the desired output was a reduction in falls and an improved quality of life.

A full audit was undertaken of Birchwood care home which was grounded in evidence on dementia enabling environments. Recommendations were made which took into account the sensory and cognitive impairments experienced by residents with dementia. For example a threshold strip in a different colour to the floor could pose a trip hazard as the resident might assume there was a hole or a step. There were also opportunities to improve signage to be clear but un-patronising. There might also be scope to apply the principles in town centres.

Rennovation of Birchwood had now commenced including remodelling each floor into smaller units. Doors would be improved to give better access to the garden which over 90 employees from Vodafone had volunteered to renovate. It would be an expensive project and not possible to meet every recommendation in one go but the recommendations could be applied across the Council’s other care homes and ensure that Birchwood was a better place for residents to spend their final years.

It was also intended to develop an audit tool for residents and carers to use in their own home. James Lewis reported that he was due to meet with the Chief Executive and the Highways Team regarding embedding some of the dementia environment principles into the Market Street redevelopment. Hillcroft House, the site of the Memory Clinic, would also undergo refurbishment in accordance with dementia enabling principles.

Sue Brain concluded that the project was still in early stages. DDS architects had been helpful and flexible throughout the process. Ongoing senior management commitment would be essential to ensure the continuation of the project.

Councillor Boeck asked for more information regarding the reorganisation of accommodation, noting that there were 60 residents in Birchwood. Sue Brain advised that accommodation was over three floors including 10 step-down beds on the ground floor. Calm spaces would be created, as it was recognised that the 60 residents had not chosen to live together and it was important to offer more quiet spaces than just bedrooms.

Garry Poulson enquired after the lighting, noting from his work with the Ageing Well Partnership that there was a link between no lighting and falls. Sue Brain advised that the Council did not own the building and the owner had reinstalled lighting without consulting the Council. The work with DDA had raised awareness of the importance of natural light cycles.

Andrew Sharp noted that carers should be furnished with the information.

RESOLD that the report and presentation be noted.

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