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Agenda item

Application No. & Parish: 17/03079/COMIND - Land Between Francis Baily and Kennet Schools and Land Adjacent To Dunstan Park, Thatcham,


The flood alleviation scheme comprises a series of strategically located bunds (earth embankments) in Dunstan Green and Siege Cross play area varying in height from 0.4m to 1m. A shallow swale approximately 440m long is proposed along the perimeter of the Kennet School playing fields to collect and convey water into storage basins in Siege Cross play area, allowing the water to drain at a controlled rate into the existing surface water sewer system. The scheme also includes re-profiling a section of Harts Hill Road to divert flood water off the carriageway and into Dunstan Green.


Land Between Francis Baily and Kennet Schools and Land Adjacent To Dunstan Park, Thatcham, Berkshire


West Berkshire Council


To DELEGATE to the Head of Development & Planning to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION 






(Councillor Richard Crumly declared an interest in Agenda Item 4(1), by the virtue of the fact that he was present at that Thatcham Town Council meeting when the matter was considered. He reported that, he remained impartial and would consider the matter afresh this evening; therefore, as his interest was a personal or another registrable interest, but not a disclosable pecuniary interest, he determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter.)

The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning Application 17/03079/COMIND in respect of a flood alleviation scheme which comprised a series of strategically located bunds (earth embankments) in Dunstan Green and Siege Cross play area varying in height from 0.4m to 1m. The proposed works would also entail the erection of a 1 metre bund alongside the access track within allotments to the east of Dunstan Green and a section of bund on allotment land on the west of the allotment site. A bund of heights between 50cm and 80cm was proposed on land to the north west of Kennet School sports pitches with a shallow swale approximately 440m long along the perimeter of the Kennet School sports pitches to collect and convey water into storage basins with a 50cm depth in Siege Cross play area, allowing the water to drain at a controlled rate into the existing surface water sewer system. The scheme also included re-profiling a section of Harts Hill Road and excavation of a 50cm depth swale to divert water off the carriageway and into Dunstan Green.

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Ms Liz Wood, objector, Mr Iain Dunn (Thatcham Flood Forum), supporter, and Mr Brian Cafferkey  and Mrs Liz Allen, agents, addressed the Committee on this application.

Ms Liz Wood in addressing the Committee raised the following points:

·         At the site meeting Officers had stated that the bund was outside the perimeter fence of the allotments but it was inside so that was a mistake;

·         The allotments near Dunstan Green had not been included in any written statements and no notices had been displayed on the allotments;

·         The use of the land was statutory allotment land and therefore the proper consultation had not been undertaken;

·         Ms Wood referred to the swept path analysis and amended bund drawing showing the allotment site that was attached to the Update Sheet. She stated that this had been undertaken using a Skoda car which was not a large car. Many people who used the allotments needed access with a car and a trailer and there would not be sufficient space to allow that access;

·         Ms Wood referred to a bund which had originally been included in the plans and then had been removed. It was then put back in just five days before the meeting but had been reduced in size. She queried why that had happened and was concerned that the authority said that it could predict where the water would flow but plans kept on changing;

·         Ms Wood stated that the National Allotment Society had said that the Council would need to apply to the Secretary of State for permission in order to complete the work. She confirmed that she would follow that up as she felt that permission would not be granted as it would be a violation of the right to use the land;

·         The Food Standards Agency guidance states that if allotment land is flooded then it cannot be used to grow raw vegetables for a period of time, and that the scheme would result in the flooding of the allotments;

·         Ms Wood felt that the objections put forward had not been appreciated or listened to.

Councillor Richard Crumly said that he was present at the site visit and noted that the allotment land was higher than Dunstan Green and he asked if Ms Wood accepted that. Ms Wood responded that it was a not a question she could answer.

Councillor Graham Bridgman noted that Ms Wood had made reference to plans changing and he asked for clarification as to whether the size of the bund had increased, decreased or stayed the same. Ms Wood responded that it was not about whether the size of the bund went up or down but was a case of how the scheme could be valid if it kept changing. She confirmed that the size of the bund had reduced. Councillor Bridgman recalled that at the site visit discussions had taken place as to how big the bund needed to be and Officers had said that they would look into that. Ms Wood said that the bund would still block the access even if it was reduced in size.

Councillor Pamela Bale asked if the allotments had flooded in 2007 and Ms Wood confirmed that they had not.

Iain Dunn in addressing the Committee raised the following points:

·         Mr. Dunn confirmed that he was the Chair of Thatcham Flood Forum. He strongly supported anything that would prevent flooding;

·         There was no reason why the proposed scheme was not acceptable;

·         Some funding had come from the community and therefore not everyone was against the scheme;

·         The scheme was a strong element of the wider plan to reduce flood risk in Thatcham.

Councillor Richard Crumly asked Mr. Dunn if it was correct that 1,100 homes had flooded in Thatcham in the floods of 2007 and Mr. Dunn confirmed that that was correct.

Mr. Brian Cafferkey and Mrs Liz Allen in addressing the Committee raised the following points:

·         Mr. Cafferkey stated that this scheme was part of a wider strategy following the floods in 2007 which also included Cold Ash and Tull Way;

·         Floods similar to those in 2007 were life threatening events and this was why this scheme was so important;

·         Bund heights varied between 0.5 metres and 0.75 metres to the northern part of Dunstan Green and higher bunds of 1 metre and 1.5 metres were situated close to the existing skateboard ramp and play area on the southern part of the site;

·         Following consultation with local residents the scheme had been amended to reduce the height of some of the bunds which would serve to slow the passage of water and act as temporary rain storage basins in the event of severe rainfall in the 1 in 30 to 1 in 100 year event category;

·         In terms of sustainability there would be minimum impact on public space and the bunds would be constructed with materials taken from Tull Way;

·         Mr. Cafferkey confirmed that funding for the scheme had come from a grant from the Environment Agency, the Town Council and the local community;

·         Mrs. Allen stated that there would be a loss of some of the trees and hedges as a result of the scheme but a comprehensive scheme had been provided for landscaping and improvement of planting on the site. This would result in an improvement to the quality of landscaping on the site and an improvement of the visual contribution to the local amenity;

·         The improvements in landscaping would provide year round colour and would improve the air quality in the area. Species of low stature would be included to reduce loss of light in some areas;

·         The landscaping scheme would also see the introduction of native grasses and wild flower areas which would provide yearlong visual interest throughout the seasons.

Councillor Richard Crumly stated that 1,100 homes had flooded in 2007 and he asked if this scheme would help to eliminate flooding of that scale again. Mr. Cafferkey confirmed that it would.

Councillor Graham Bridgman referred to the drawing in the agenda showing the bunds into the allotment site and also the plan included in the Update Sheet. He asked if the plan in the Update Sheet was an amended plan to replace that in the agenda pack. Mr. Cafferkey confirmed that it was intended to. In order to minimise the impact on the allotment site the bunding had been reduced and pushed further north and the water course had been filled in more so there was a subtle difference. Councillor Bridgman noted the concerns of the allotment holders that the allotments had not flooded in 2007 but there was greater risk that they would flood now if water was diverted that way.

Councillor Marigold Jaques noted the comment made by Ms Wood that the Allotment Association had not been consulted. However on page 35 of the agenda in paragraph 6.5.2 it stated that neither the Town Council nor the National Allotments Association, who had both been consulted, had raised any objection to the scheme. Stuart Clarke confirmed that he had consulted Thatcham Town Council and the local Allotment Association and had explained the scheme which had been accepted. There were drainage issues on the site and he would look into those separately with a view to improving drainage on the allotments. Not all plot holders were members of the Allotment Association and the National Allotment Society was not something that he was involved with but he confirmed that he would be happy to seek their consent.

Councillor Pamela Bale asked if that was the only place the bunds could be located at the allotment site. Mr. Cafferkey confirmed that that element of the scheme had to be in that location.

Councillor Lee Dillon, as Ward Member, in addressing the Committee raised the following points:

·         Councillor Dillon confirmed that he had done a leaflet drop and knocked on doors on properties adjacent to Harts Hill Road and Dunstan Green and no objections had been received;

·         Councillor Dillon asked if the scheme was approved that consideration be given to pest control as that had been an issue in previous schemes.

In considering the above application Councillor Emma Webster referred to the comment from Ms Wood about permission being required from the Secretary of State and whether the recommendation would need to be amended to reflect that. The Planning Officer stated that Members could take a view but that it would be up to the applicant to seek that permission as it was a matter separate from planning.

Councillor Lee Dillon asked if planning notices should have been placed on the allotment fence or gate. The Planning Officer confirmed that the Council had complied with its statutory duty. Four notices had been displayed which included locations on Harts Hill Road and the Siege Cross estate and neighbour notifications had been sent to properties within 100m of the site. It was unfortunate that plot holders on the allotments had missed the publicity which included a notice in the local press. Comments had also been accepted after the closing date.

Councillor Pamela Bale assumed that the Allotment Association was a near neighbour. The National Allotment Society had been consulted and the Planning Officer confirmed that he had spoken to a representative of the Society on the telephone and had supplied information by e-mail on the 2nd of January. However, an e-mail had been received on the day of the Planning Committee to say that they had not been consulted. The Planning Officer was of the opinion that the Council had followed due process. Thatcham Town Council administered the allotments and they had also been consulted.

Councillor Graham Bridgman referred to the vehicle used to undertake the swept path analysis and asked if the Officer had any comments. The Highways Officer advised that a standard vehicle would be used – either small/medium or large. In this case a large vehicle had been used and which had demonstrated that vehicular access to the allotment plots was possible. It would be rare to undertake this analysis with a car and trailer unless it had been specifically requested beforehand.

Councillor Lee Dillon confirmed that he had consulted residents in Dunstan Green and had not received any objections. As a Ward Member for Thatcham he had been involved with the Surface Water Schemes and had attended site visits. He conceded that the bunds at Siege Cross would cause overlooking but the majority of residents would benefit from the scheme and he therefore proposed that the Officer recommendation should be accepted. This was seconded by Councillor Richard Crumly. Councillor Crumly agreed with Councillor Dillon that there would be an overall benefit to the majority of residents of Thatcham which would avoid a repetition of the floods of 2007 by reducing the threat of flood.

Councillor Emma Webster clarified that the recommendation also needed to include the additional condition set out in the Update Sheet. Councillor Keith Chopping confirmed that the recommendation incorporated that condition.

Councillor Lee Dillon said that at the site visit mention was made of the fear of an increase in low level anti-social behaviour. He confirmed that he was working with the local Police team to support the implementation of the scheme by increasing patrols and crime awareness in the Siege Cross area.

Councillor Graham Bridgman asked if Officers could ensure that the part plan provided in the Update Sheet replaced the original plan. The Planning Officer stated that the plan in the Update Sheet had been submitted too late to be considered as part of the formal submission, so approval would be granted subject to the plans originally submitted. The swept paths drawing showing a reduced bund was therefore for information purposes, but if Members wished to seek a similar reduction to the length of the northern bund in order to prevent it impinging on any allotment plots an additional condition could be applied to require approval of a similar amended drawing.

Councillor Pamela Bale asked that if the allotment area was flooded would it be possible for the Town Council to provide alternative plots. Councillor Lee Dillon confirmed that he would be happy to take that back for consideration.

RESOLVED that the Head of Development and Planning be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions listed in Section 8 of the Committee Report and the additional condition set out in the Update Sheet as follows:



Full planning permission time limit

The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason:   To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004); to enable the Local Planning Authority to review the desirability of the development should it not be started within a reasonable time.


Standard approved plans

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with drawing numbers X910-006 Rev C, X910-002 Rev C, X910-035 Rev B, X910-026 Rev B, X910-025 Rev B, X910-047, X910-048, X910-028 Rev B, X910/027 Rev A, X910-032 Rev B, X910-033 Rev B, X910-034 Rev B, X910-010 Rev C, X910-011 Rev D, X910-012 Rev E, X910-009 Rev B, X910-008 Rev B, X910-007 Rev B, X910-020 Rev B, X910-019 Rev B, X910-018 Rev B, X910-017 Rev B, X910-021 Rev B, X910-022 Rev B, X910-023 Rev B, X910-024 Rev B, X910-049 and X910-053, except where varied by the details submitted and approved to comply with the requirements of condition 10 of this planning permission.

Any material change to the approved plans will require a formal planning application to vary this condition under Section 73 of the Act.  Any non-material change to the approved plans will require a non-material amendment application prior to such a change being made.

Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interest of proper planning.


Construction method statement

No development of the approved flood alleviation scheme shall take place until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.  The statement shall provide for:

(a)  The parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors

(b)  Loading and unloading of plant and materials

(c)  Storage of plant and materials used in constructing the development

(d)  The erection and maintenance of any security hoarding or public displays

(e)  Wheel washing facilities

(f)   Haul routes

(g)  Measures to control the emission of dust and dirt during construction

(h)  A scheme for recycling/disposing of waste resulting from demolition and construction works

Reason: To safeguard the amenity of adjoining land uses and occupiers and in the interests of highway safety.  This condition is imposed in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012), Policies CS5 and CS13 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026), Policy TRANS 1 of the West Berkshire District Local Plan 1991-2006 (Saved Policies 2007).



Development of the flood alleviation scheme hereby approved shall take place in accordance with the recommendations of the Written Scheme of Investigation by Cotswold Archaeology submitted by email on 20 December 2017.

Reason: To ensure that any archaeological remains that are found are adequately recorded in accordance with the requirements of the NPPF (2012) and Policy CS19 of the West Berkshire Local Plan Core Strategy (2006-2026) 2012.



No development shall commence on site until a full schedule for carrying out the recommendations made at section 6 of the ecology report has been submitted and approved under a formal discharge of conditions application. Development works shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the approved schedule of ecological works.

Reason: To secure the protection of local ecology in the site and surrounding area in accordance with the NPPF (2012) and Policy CS17 of the West Berkshire Local Plan Core Strategy (2006-2026) 2012.


Working hours

The hours of work for all contractors for the duration of the site development shall unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority in writing be limited to: 7.30 am to 6.00 pm on Mondays to Fridays, 8.30 am to 1.00 pm on Saturdays and no work shall be carried out on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

Reason: In the interests of the amenities of neighbouring occupiers in accordance with the NPPF (2012) Policy CS14 of the West Berkshire Local Plan Core Strategy (2006-2026) 2012 and Policy OVS6 of the West Berkshire District Local Plan (1991-2006) Saved Policies 2007.


Contaminated land

Should any unforeseen contamination be encountered during the development, the developer shall inform the LPA immediately. Any subsequent investigation/remedial/protective works deemed necessary by the LPA shall be carried out to agreed timescales and approved by the LPA in writing. If no contamination is encountered during the development, a letter confirming this fact shall be submitted to the LPA upon completion of the development.

Reason: In order to protect the amenities of proposed occupants/users of the application site in accordance with the NPPF (2012) and Policy OVS5 of the West Berkshire District Local Plan (1991-2006) Saved Policies 2007.



All landscape works shall be completed in accordance with the submitted plans, schedule of planting and retention, programme of works and other supporting information including drawing numbers KLP/276/17/01, KLP/276/17/02, KLP/276/17/03 Rev B, KLP/276/17/04 Rev B, KLP/276/17/05 Rev C, KLP/276/17/06 Rev B dated 12th December 2017. Any trees, shrubs or hedges planted in accordance with the approved scheme which are removed, die, or become diseased within five years from completion of this development shall be replaced within the next planting season by trees, shrubs or hedges of a similar size and species to that originally approved.

Reason: To ensure the implementation of a satisfactory scheme of landscaping in accordance with the objectives of the NPPF and Policies CS14, CS18 and CS19 of the West Berkshire Local Plan Core Strategy (2006-2026) 2012.



The cycleways shown on drawing no. X910-065 received on 1st February 2018 shall not be brought into use until visibility splays have been provided in accordance with this drawing.  The land within these visibility splays shall thereafter be kept free of all obstructions to visibility as shown on this drawing.

Reason: In the interests of cycle safety.  This condition is imposed in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (March 2012) and Policy CS13 of the West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026).”


Shortening of bund

Irrespective of the details shown on the approved plans no development of the northern bund on Dunstan Green shall commence until details of a revision to reduce the length of the element of the bund located on the allotments to the eastern extent of the bund have been submitted and approved under a formal discharge of conditions application. The details shall include plans and sections of the bund in this location and a swept paths diagram to demonstrate vehicle movements on the allotment site following completion of the approved works, and a written description of the works to demonstrate that the alteration of the bund will not result in a reduction in the overall capacity of the scheme to provide flood allevation. The bund shall be constructed and retained in accordance with the approved details.

Reason: To protect the amenities of allotment users and ensure that allotment plots are not intruded on by the development while providing for alleviation of flood risk to residential and commercial properties in Thatcham, in accordance with the NPPF (2012) and Policies CS14 and CS16 of the West Berkshire Local Plan Core Strategy (2006-2026) 2012.




Informative – Tree protection

·         To ensure that the trees, which are to be retained, are protected from damage, ensure that all works occur in a direction away from the trees.

·            In addition that no materials are stored within close proximity i.e. underneath the canopy of trees to be retained.

·            Ensure that all mixing of materials that could be harmful to tree roots is done well away from trees (outside the canopy drip line) and downhill of the trees if on a slope, to avoid contamination of the soil.

·            To ensure the above, erect chestnut pale fencing on a scaffold framework at least out to the canopy extent to preserve rooting areas from compaction, chemicals or other unnatural substances washing into the soil.

·            If this is not possible due to working room/access requirements The ground under the trees’ canopies on the side of construction/access should be covered by 7.5cm of woodchip or a compressible material such as sharp sand, and covered with plywood sheets/scaffold boards to prevent compaction of the soil and roots. This could be underlain by a non-permeable membrane to prevent lime based products/chemicals entering the soil

·            If there are any existing roots in situ and the excavation is not to be immediately filled in, then they should be covered by loose soil or dry Hessian sacking to prevent desiccation or frost damage. If required, the minimum amount of root could be cut back to using a sharp knife.


Supporting documents: