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Agenda item

Public Protection Partnership Charging Policy for Relevant Protected Sites (Mobile Homes) (PP3567)

To agree a policy position to enable a consistent approach to charging ‘relevant protected sites’ i.e. mobile home sites administration & annual inspection fees across the Public Protection Partnership (PPP).


Resolved that the Joint Public Protection Committee adopt the existing Bracknell Forest Policy across PPP to allow for charging against all relevant protected sites within the PPP’s areas.


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 19 June 2018, then it will be implemented.



(Councillor Iain McCracken declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 7 by virtue of the fact that he was a resident of Warfield Park, Bracknell. As his interest was personal and not a disclosable pecuniary interest he determined to take part in the debate but not to vote on the matter.)

The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 7) which proposed the adoption of a consistent charging policy for relevant protected sites across the three local authority areas.

Councillor Norman Jorgensen asked how the policy might impact residents. George Lawrence advised that there were between 42 and 45 sites of varying sizes across the three areas and there was no requirement to undertake a consultation, although site owners would be aware. It would be the license holder and not the residents who were impacted, although the license holder might pass on the cost to residents.

Councillor Iain McCracken asked whether there would be an exemptions to the policy. George Lawrence advised that exemptions usually meant the site was unlicensed.

Councillor Nick Allen noted that Bracknell Forest Council had introduced a charging policy two years previously and there had been little impact.

Councillor McCracken enquired when the implementation date would be. George Lawrence advised that the policy could be implemented immediately. Councillor McCracken enquired what the financial implication there would be to Bracknell Forest Council if the Committee were minded not to approve the policy. George Lawrence stated that the absence of a charging policy would mean that Bracknell Forest Council would not yield £14k income.

Clare Lawrence noted that there was already a process to issue licenses and the proposal was to introduce a cost recovery charge. The policy would bring West Berkshire and Wokingham into line with Bracknell’s existing policy.

Councillor Marcus Franks stated that he was supportive of consistency across the three local authorities.

Councillor Emma Webster asked whether it was known how many license holder passed on the costs to residents. Steve Loudoun admitted that the number was unknown but the license fee for each pitch was £13.48 per year so if that cost was passed back to residents there would not be a significant impact.

Paul Anstey reassured the Committee that the Partnership would continue to review fees and charges on an annual basis and recommend any adjustments based on the outcome of the strategic assessment and control strategy (annual documents which the JPPC approve).

Councillor Webster stated that it made sense for there to be a consistent approach and suggested that Councils’ customer service teams be provided with information to avoid misinformation and dissatisfaction with residents, the concern expressed was that licence holders may attempt to pass on an increase beyond that imposed by the PPP.

Councillor McCracken enquired whether the timescale was known for the outcome of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government consultation into park home legislation. George Lawrence advised that the full outcome report was anticipated to be published in October 2018.

The Committee discussed the implementation date of the policy and concluded that it should be introduced from 1st July 2018.

RESOLVED that the Committee adopt the existing Bracknell Forest Policy across PPP to allow for charging against all relevant protected sites within the PPP’s areas.


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