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Agenda item

DSG Monitoring 2018/19 Month 7 (Ian Pearson)


Amin Hussain introduced the report which provided an update on the work being carried out with the nine schools that has been set a deficit budget in 2018/19.

At Month 7 there was a net forecast overspend of £431k. The budget had been set with an overspend of £464k against the DSG, as per the decision made by the Schools’ Forum. The forecast overspend position at Month 7 against expenditure budgets was £315k with a further £116k under achievement on the High Needs funding primarily due to a reduction in the import/export adjustment.

Amin Hussain explained that details for each of the blocks was included within the report. Paragraph 8.3 set out the main variances against expenditure for the High Needs Block.

Overspending in the High Needs Block were significant and the total overspend forecast against the Block was £895k (including budgeted over spend) and consideration needed to be given to where spending could be scaled back and savings identified in order to contain overspend to the initial budget or alternatively transfer an amount from the Schools’ Block to the High Needs Block.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.


(The Chairman drew the Forum’s attention back to Item Seven to make a decision on transferring money from the Schools’ Block to the High Needs Block)


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