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Agenda item

Schools: deficit recovery (Wendy Howells)


Wendy Howells introduced the report (Agenda Item 8), which provided an update on the work being carried out with the schools that had set a deficit budget in 2018/19. This was something that had been requested as a standing item at each Heads Funding Group and Schools’ Forum meeting.

Wendy Howells explained that the report provided an up to date position. All schools except one had now submitted their Period Five reports, however, it had been agreed that the Willows Primary School would not submit their Period Five Budget Monitoring Report due to reasons set out in the report. Wendy Howells suggested that going forward the Schools’ Forum should receive exception reports only for schools in deficit.

A support meeting had already taken place with the John Rankin Schools Federation and were set to take place with each of the other schools in the near future.

Graham Spellman highlighted that the draft content for the Self-Check of schools financial position for 2019/20 was included in Appendix B.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.

Supporting documents: