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Agenda item

Final DSG Budget 2019-20 (Amin Hussain)


Amin Hussain introduced the report which set out the overall budget for the Dedicated Schools’ Grant (DSG) for 2019/20 and the final budget position for each of the funding blocks.

Amin Hussain reported that a number of queries had been raised by schools concerning their individual funding allocations and he confirmed that information would be sent out to schools in the next ten days to explain why some of the allocations had changed. Queries from individual schools would be dealt with on a school by school basis.

David Ramsden asked how the situation had occurred. Amin Hussain reported that DSG funding was received and then the figures adjusted accordingly. David Ramsden asked why the allocations had changed from what was originally reported to schools. Amin Hussain confirmed that he would email schools individually to explain why their allocations had changed. Ian Pearson reported that when initial school budgets were forecasted, they were indicative and some adjustments had been made. This would need explaining to schools and a report would be brought to the next HFG to provide some background on the issue.

Patrick Mitchell stressed that some schools were not happy about their revised allocations. Figures had been provided in February 2019 and it was not highlighted that amounts allocated to schools could change. Patrick Mitchell recalled that the Schools’ Forum had agreed to cap funding gains at 2% and believed that this had been overridden by the Council’s Executive. He asked for an explanation on this point

Rev. Mark Bennett added that he had spoken with some school business managers who had been used to having access to the finance model used for their school, which showed how their funding was calculated. This had not been shared and therefore had caused frustration

Councillor Lynne Doherty reported that contrary to what had been mentioned in February 2019 the Council’s Executive had agreed the 2% on funding gains as agreed by the Schools’ Forum. In light of this David Ramsden again asked why the allocations had changed, as it was important that schools understood the reasons. Catie Coltson also expressed her confusion on the issue. If the 2% cap had been agreed by both the Schools’ Forum and the Executive, she could not see why the allocation amount had changed.   Amin Hussain reported that a cap of 2% had been consulted on with schools however, if final allocations could not be aligned to the cap then adjustments had to be made.

Ian Pearson agreed that schools needed to understand what view had been taken that had led to a change in the figures from the onset. An explanation was required on the overarching issue and what had led to variances to schools. This information needed to be sent to all schools and members of the Schools’ Forum.

It was proposed that a decision should be taken on whether to agree the overall DSG deficit budget after agenda items nine (High Needs Budget) and ten (Early Years Budget) had been considered (for the decision taken regarding this item, please see item ten (Early Years Budget).


·         A report would be brought to the next HFG to provide some background on changes to individual school funding allocations.

·         An explanation to be provided on the overarching issue that had caused allocations to change, including what had led to variances for individual schools. This information needed to be shared with all schools and members of the Schools’ Forum.

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