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Agenda item

Roll of Honorary Aldermen

In accordance with Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009, the Council confer the title of Honorary Alderman on former Councillor Marcus Franks in recognition of the eminent service he rendered on behalf of the Council and residents of West Berkshire over a period of time.


The Council considered Agenda Item 3 which proposed that former Councillor Marcus Franks be conferred the title of Honorary Alderman in recognition of his eminent service rendered on behalf of the Council and residents of West Berkshire over a period of time.

The Chairman explained that the Local Government Act 1972 made provision for the appointment of former Councillors as Honorary Aldermen to recognise the eminent service they provided above and beyond their normal duties. The Honorary Alderman needed to be advocates for their communities and needed to exhibit high standards of conduct and ethics. Members had discussed and agreed to the introduction of the scheme at the September 2011 Council meeting. Councillors Graham Jones, Lee Dillon and Carole Jackson–Doerge had met and agreed to support Councillor Franks’ nomination.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the special Council meeting and she extended a particularly warm welcome to Marcus Franks’ family and friends.

MOTION: Proposed by Councillor Graham Jones and seconded by Councillor Lee Dillon:

“That the Council confer the title of Honorary Alderman on former Councillor Marcus Franks.”

In proposing former Councillor Franks, Councillor Graham Jones reported that he was a good friend and a dedicated selfless public servant. Councillor Franks had demonstrated incredible spirit even while facing the ultimate adversity. Councillor Franks had served many roles on the Council and had first been appointed to the Executive in 2005 and had been responsible for a number of portfolios until he resigned in January 2019. He was also considered to be a mover and shaker in the community where he had worked tirelessly as a member of the Round Table and he would be inextricably linked to Newbury’s Crafty Raft Race.

Councillor Dillon stated that he was honoured to be seconding this nomination. It was clear that Marcus Franks had met all the criteria associated with being an Honorary Alderman. His contribution in both the chamber and the community had been immense. He had the special gift of being able to talk to everyone. He also had the ability to influence people and join disparate groups together.

Councillor Lynne Doherty commented that Marcus was ‘one of the good ones’. He was genuine, kind hearted, quick witted and he was both trusted and admired. He had a great desire to even the playing field for others and could be counted on to do the right thing. To this end and right up until his passing she had discussed with him putting in place ‘Minding the Gap’ awards for progress made by disadvantaged children. This was still a work in progress and details would be announced in due course. She felt that this would be a fitting tribute to her friend and colleague.

Councillor Owen Jeffrey stated that he agreed that this was a well-earned honour.

Councillor Steve Masters stated that he too supported the nomination. He had come to appreciate Marcus’s community spirit when they had worked together on the Eight Bells project.

Councillor Dominic Boeck commented that Marcus Franks had a keen political instinct, powerful work ethic and could be relied upon for his advice and insight. He would miss his wisdom, keen intellect and sense of fun.

Councillor Hilary Cole stated that Marcus could be relied upon to give good advice and would be remembered for his cheery wit which often helped to lighten the mood at meetings. He was also exceptionally diligent in his ward work, work on the Executive and the work he undertook in the wider community.

The Motion was put to the meeting and duly RESOLVED.