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Agenda item

Reducing rough sleeping in West Berkshire: A plan to ensure no-one has the need to sleep rough (EX3724)

Purpose: To adopt a plan that sets out how the Council intends to address rough sleeping.


Resolved that the plan ‘Reducing rough sleeping in West Berkshire: a plan to ensure no-one has the need to sleep rough’ be adopted.


This decision is eligible to be ‘called-in’.  However, if the decision has not been ‘called-in’ by 5.00pm on 12 September 2019, then it will be implemented.


The Executive considered a report (Agenda Item 10) which proposed the adoption of the plan which set out how the Council intended to address rough sleeping.

Councillor Hilary Cole felt that the plan outlined a positive step forward. The Council would work closely with partners in the voluntary sector to deliver the plan to reduce rough sleeping. A detailed action plan was provided in the Executive papers.

The plan would form part of the Homelessness Strategy and work to deliver the Strategy was overseen by the Homelessness Strategy Group formed with partners.

Government funding had been and would continue to be used to implement a range of different interventions. The use of this funding was closely monitored by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.

The Housing First scheme was one such intervention. This had been successful in housing rough sleepers and a further three properties were due to be completed in early 2020. This was generally available to single people, but it was the intention to widen this provision to couples.

Councillor Cole took the opportunity to praise the MEAM (Making Every Adult Matter) approach and the support this gave to rough sleepers

In terms of numbers, the number of rough sleepers had reduced from the 20 reported in the autumn of 2017 to a current figure of eight.

Councillor Lynne Doherty gave her support to the plan. She was aware, as a Member of the Health and Wellbeing Board, of the positive partnership working already in place in this area of work which would continue moving forwards.

Councillor Steve Masters queried how the consultation planned with rough sleepers would be undertaken by Ridgeway Associates. Councillor Cole advised that the decision had been taken to bring in external expertise for the consultation from Ridgeway Associates who were a well regarded organisation in this field. The brief for Ridgeway would include an emphasis on the importance of involving key stakeholders and partners in the consultation, i.e. Loose Ends and the Soup Kitchen. Work to reduce rough sleeping was a partnership effort and needed to be owned by partners. Ridgeway Associates would also consult with rough sleepers to gain their input.

Councillor Masters questioned the cost of employing Ridgeway Associates. Councillor Cole explained that it was funded via a budget pressure and would provide the actual sum in a written response.

Councillor Alan Macro had questions relating to the action plan. He noted target dates in the action plan of September and October 2019 and sought assurance that these targets would be met.

A risk against delivery of many of the actions was given as staff resources with the mitigation measure of delegation to other staff. Councillor Macro sought assurance that this would not impact on delivery of other services.

Finally, Councillor Macro questioned if the Council was lobbying the Government for continued grant funding from 2020/21 onwards.

Councillor Cole responded to Councillor Macro’s questions. She gave an assurance that targets would be met. They had been agreed with the Government and needed to be met to secure funding.

The recruitment of additional staff would help to manage the workload and ensure adequate resources were in place. The structure of the Housing Team was under review as part of this.

The Council had been regularly lobbying the Government for funding. Councillor Lynne Doherty added that continued funding had been confirmed by Government, but the amount remained unclear. Councillor Lee Dillon was concerned as inadequate funding could impact on the delivery of the plan. In response to this, Councillor Cole explained that the work would continue regardless of the level of grant due to its importance.

RESOLVED to adopt the plan titled – ‘Reducing rough sleeping in West Berkshire: A plan to ensure no-one has the need to sleep rough’

Other options considered: The option not to adopt a rough sleeping plan was dismissed as the adoption of a plan is a requirement of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in connection with the Rough Sleeper Initiative and Rapid Rehousing Pathway funding awarded to the Council for 2018/19 and 2019/20.

Supporting documents: