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Agenda item

Schools' Forum Membership and Constitution from October 2019 (Jessica Bailiss)


Jessica Bailiss introduced the report (Agenda Item 7), which aimed to review and where necessary update the membership and Constitution of the Schools Forum. The Schools’ Forum was required to review its membership and constitution annually. The last change made to the constitution was in 2018 and since then there had not been any legislative changes requiring a change to the current practice.

Table one showed a breakdown of pupil numbers compared to 2018 by sector and it could be seen that there has been an increase in pupil numbers overall. In July another school had converted to an academy increasing the pupil numbers in the sector.  Based on the increase in pupil numbers, particularly in the academy sector, it was proposed that the number of School Members on the Forum was increased by one academy member taking the total membership to 25. This was set out under table 3 of the report.

Jessica Bailiss reported that the constitution had been updated to reflect the proposed increase in membership and recent election activity that had been taking place to elect Governor representatives. These changes were highlighted in the report under section five of the report.

The Schools Forum was invited to approve the membership and the Constitution for the Schools Forum from October 2019.

Jonathan Chishick queried why the term of office was only three years and if this could be increased to four to reflect the term of office for the Council’s own elected Members. Ian Pearson stated that that this could be looked into and reported on at the next meeting.

Reverend Mark Bennet referred to academies and that there were variances between Trusts. Some Trusts had Governors and other Directors. Academies were coordinated by Central Government unlike maintained schools and therefore it was possible that governors and directors could sit outside of West Berkshire. Ian Pearson concurred that if there were no local governing boards for academies then these positions could sit outside of the area. This would be taken into consideration going forward.

Catie Colston noted that for academies the Schools’ Forum’s membership was not phased like it was for maintained schools. She queried if the proportion of academy primary and secondary school members sitting on the Forum was still accurate. Ian Pearson highlighted that the vast majority of academy pupils were in the secondary phase and therefore historically there had not been an issue. Reverend Mark Bennett added that academies were unable to vote on a large proportion of the Schools’ Forum’s business. The different maintained groups were required to make particular decisions on funding and this was why the split was required. Academies did not have the same split of responsibilities. Catie Colston suggested that the point be noted going forward.


·         Jessica Bailiss would look into whether the term of office for members of the Forum could be extended to four years.

·         The Schools’ Forum agreed the Constitution and membership from October 2019, including an increase in the membership by one academy member to reflect the increase in pupil numbers in that sector.


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