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Agenda item

DSG Budget Overview 2020/21 (Melanie Ellis)


Melanie Ellis introduced the report, which set out the announcements made in relation to the Dedicated Schools’ Grant (DSG) 2020/21 and the National Funding Formula, along with the proposed timetable for setting the 2021 budget.

Melanie Ellis reported that formula details had not yet been received from the Department for Education (DfE). Melanie Ellis stated that the delay in information would provide less time for the consultation phase and would only allow two meetings of the Heads Funding Group (HFG) and Schools’ Forum to review the formula information, rather than three. The draft timetable was set out in section 11 of the report.

Keith Harvey reported that schools had received allocations from the Department for Education for the funding formula and queried how this related to information that would be sent out from the Local Authority. Melanie Ellis confirmed that the Schools’ Finance Team sent out indicative formula information, which at this stage was just a guide for schools. Keith Harvey suggested that a clarification email be sent out to all schools.

Jonathan Chishick referred to page 90 of the report under section 4.2 (point 7) which stated that the teachers’ pay grant and teachers’ pension employer contributions grant would both continue to be paid separately from the National Funding Formula (NFF) and rates would be published in due course. He queried if the 2.75% was included. Ian Pearson reported that the general principal was that teacher pay was uplifted and then a budget was provided to cover this off. Jonathan Chishick stated it was difficult for governors to know if funding would be received or if schools needed to provide funding individually.

David Ramsden stated that the 2.75 referred to by Jonathan Chishick was awarded by the DfE. Ian Pearson stated that the cost per school was dependant on the schools’ own pay policy.

Councillor Erik Pattendon queried the timetable for setting all elements of the DSG budget. He asked if 10 days to carry out consultation with schools was enough.  Melanie Ellis confirmed that the dates were set based on statutory requirements and therefore there was little flexibility.

RESOLVED that Melanie Ellis coordinate communication with all schools to clarify information sent to schools by the DfE and indicative funding formula information.

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