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Agenda item

SENDIASS Contract (Thomas Ng)


Ian Pearson introduced the report, which aimed to update the Heads Funding Group and Schools’ Forum on the progress of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service Contract (SENDIASS). The Schools’ Forum had to be consulted on contracts with schools, particularly when up for renewal. The SENDIASS Contract was not yet up for renewal and therefore was being presented for information.

It was explained that the SENDIASS contract provided a service for parents rather than schools. It was a service that had to be legally provided and was funded by the High Needs Block. The feedback from parents as highlighted in section 4.1 of the report was very positive. The contract was due to be retendered in 2021 and therefore would be brought back to the Schools’ Forum in due course.

David Ramsden queried what the cost of the contract was however, Ian Pearson stated that this was commercially sensitive information. David Ramsden further queried what the timescale was for the tendering process. Ian Pearson reported that generally work on contracts commenced a year in advance and therefore anticipated that work would commence around July/September 2020.

Catie Colston acknowledged that 44 schools had been involved in the consultation on the contract and asked what percentage of parents had responded. Ian Pearson reported that all parents supported by the service were given the option to comment. 18 parents had responded from a total of about 110. It was acknowledged that those unhappy with a service would normally let their views be known.

Jane Seymour confirmed that the service was available to all children with special education needs and not just those with an Education, Health and Care Plan.

RESOLVED that the Schools’ Forum noted the report.



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